
Friday, October 31, 2008


Of course, for Zeke's first Halloween, we had to do something for him! At daycare, he went trick or treating, for candy he can't eat for months..... and at night, David and I had a photo booth at the Trunk or Treat at Ridge Point Community Church. It was a blast! A normal attendance of 3000 kids kept us on our feet, and we got quite a few through our booth. Zeke stopped in with Oma, as a Dragon, and got a picture in his costume. I was Pippi Longstocking, and David was the most handsome pirate ever! . David & Cara Williams .

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Joel & Michelle: Engagement

Here is Joel and Michelle, who met us in the cold for their Engagement shoot. Most of the shoot was done with blue and purple fingers on all 4 of us! Luckly we could get this shoot in before the snow flies. It was cancelled about 3 times to get a "good" fall day :) (for Michigan, that can be hard planning) This adorable pair is getting married July 17, 2009 in Zeeland, MI. Congrats!!!! . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Windy, wavey Lake Michigan! Hold on to your Hats!

We took a drive to windy Lake Michigan this afternoon and it was a tourist central must! The parking lot was almost full, and there were more cameras at the beach then there were at the Kentucky Rolex! Ok, so I'm exaggerating a bit, but there were a lot of cameras, and everyone had out their winter wind gear! There was sand everywhere and the water sprayed for hundreds of feet! The swells were about 15 ft. and there was one crazy boat enjoying them. It was great! Here are some to show the beauty God sent us in his nature today. :) . David & Cara Williams .

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ezekiel 9 months

Ok, here is the rest of the photoshoot. We found him happy after his afternoon nap. These were more what we were looking for :)

Here it is! Zeke's late 9 month shoot. We played with his hair to spike it! Cutie..... He is actually almost 10 months old, but he was sick for the majority of the 9 month age, and even here he had a runny nose, but was doing ok. He really didn't have the patience for the camera, so we didn't get everything we wanted :) . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Devisser Family Photos

Thanks to Elyse's Boyfriend Bob, we were able to get the whole family together for a fall photoshoot. Bob was the photographer after David set up the camera. He did a great job trying to get my tired little boy to look at the camera. The last family photoshoot we did was during my pregnancy, and so now we have Zeke as an addition, and Ashley's Fiance Steve. . David & Cara Williams .

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sallie: Farm Family :)

A horse show friend and great business contact asked us to help her to get a photo of all her horses for a christmas card this year. Here are some of the fun pets around her farm in Augusta, MI. Here are a few to see while I finish the rest of the photo shoot.
This is the Cosgrove Family
Chance, Topper, Watson, Jolie, Fiddle, Quincy, Rain, Glory, Sallie, and Bosco!
Sallie and Watson
Beautiful Glory
Bashful Bosco . David & Cara Williams .

Walters Gardens new catalog photographer!

David recieved a "promotion" (more responsibility) from Walter's Gardens :) and is now doing the macro photography for all the varieties in their catalog. Here are a few. His artistic taste isn't really needed for their catalog, but he still has been able to capture some of the best shots I've seen. He always can amaze me with his knowledge and skill with a camera.

He sent me photos of a tree frog in a flower, and I seriously thought they were off some website that he was viewing to help inspire his photo shoot that day. Later I find out HE took them and I am still surprized to this day. Not that I didn't think he had it in him.... just that they are AWESOME and I didn't think he took them right away :) Oops... my bad . David & Cara Williams .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tim & Heather: Portraits

David and I got the opportunity to shoot Tim, Heather and their dog Lexi in the gorgeous fall coloring of Morningside drive Park. Lexi is an amazingly photogenic dog! We had a great day for the shoot, and here are some of the shots that struck my fancy! Thanks you guys! . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nature Outing!

David and I woke up Saturday and decided to pack up to get some shots of the beautiful sunrise. David bought me a new camera, and I just had to test it out ;) God blessed us with the opportunity to get the new Nikon D3... the same one that David has, but it is so superior to our other cameras, that when we do weddings, I can't compete with my little cameras against his :( We took Zeke and drove to the ridgepoint trails. Tootsie came along of course :) The sun made it's appearance around 8:00am, and these are some of our favorites. David handled most of the shots, while I kept Zeke and Tootsie entertained and thawed. Here is a way for us to really appreciate photography in a way that I feel God has intended for us. To see the Sunrise slowly change the color on the wispy clouds, and see the deer beds in the grass, was truely inspiring. I am guessing that we will be doing a little more of this style in our free time :) . David & Cara Williams .