
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Paul & Brittany : Wedding

Paul and Brittany are a totally fun, easy-going couple that David and I really enjoyed working with. We did Paul's brother's wedding in 2007, and so we were reunited with all the bridesmaids, and family members. They were married in Jamestown, MI at their church, and we celebrated at the Trestle Stop in Hamilton. Some of my favorites are posted.... there were so many, I struggled to pick only a large handful :) Enjoy!

 . David & Cara Williams .

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

The whole family gathered for our traditional Christmas party on Christmas Eve. We all attended Ridgepoint's Christmas Eve Service and dug into some 'Jet's Pizza'. This year we had a Santa, (Zeke) to deliver the presents. After presents were done, we enjoyed an entertainment session of Rock band by Kelly, Ashley, Elyse and Bob! :) Then we opened our stockings and gathered our new presents to head home on the slippery ice. Again, another great year spending time together with family.... We are so blessed for our family, and even during this economy that Christmas could still go on in the tradition we remember it.... (even on a budget!) :) Merry Christmas, and Happy Birthday baby Jesus!!!! . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, December 21, 2009

Family in the Snow!

Here is my side of the family. Our family tradition is to get one good family photos for a Christmas card. Usually, it's on a family vacation, or Sunday get-to-gather, but this year, my mom wanted a picture in the snow. We all hurried in the cold to snatch some photos, and here are my favorites! . David & Cara Williams .

Friday, December 11, 2009

Brandon & Kelsey : Wedding

It snowed 2 days before Kelsey & Brandon's big day, making one major wish come true for their wedding day memories. The snow was light and softly falling, while the temperature was so chilly, we all had no concerns of it melting that day. The entire bridal party was a joy to work with all day, and one thing that really stuck out to me was the couple's parents. I was amazed at the affection they showed each other and their children all day long. I just know that Kelsey and Brandon will have the true support they will need through out their married lifetime. They were married at Central Weslyan Church in Holland, and the Laketown Golf and Conference Center hosted their reception. Thanks guys! We really enjoyed being part of your big day! . David & Cara Williams .

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Here's what Zeke thinks of the snow! :)
He's in for a long winter!!!! . David & Cara Williams .

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Matt & Tracey : Wedding

Tracey & Matt's Wedding was beautiful. It wasn't too cold, and everything went great! Here are some teasers while they wait for their image collection :) Congrats!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tanner : 9 months old

Here is Little Tanner James. He is the son of our good friends, and the awesome farrier who inspired me to become one, Aaron & Roberta. Tanner is about 9 months old, and the most adorable little boy! He's a happy child, and no crying or tears were seen during any of his photoshoot! Here are a few of my favorites! More to come to the website in a week or so :) . David & Cara Williams .