
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ally : Hamilton Senior

So many great shots from this senior session! This is Ally, from Hamilton High and she was a rep for us this year. We had a blast with Ally, and her mom and dad. I ended up not even picking my favorites for this blog post, just to keep them guessing ;) Ally is a fellow horse rider, and I've known her for years, both from a former church we both attended and from a few riding competitions, and through horse shoeing. It's crazy to see how fast she grew up and what a beautiful young woman she has become. Thanks for the fun session! Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, August 29, 2011

Brenen : HC Senior

Brenen is such a handsome young man... and a super talented hunter/woodsman! We were privaleged to get to see his hunting gear and bow and gun for his photo shoot. David obviously was a little more excited about that then I, but it was still cool. We showed up at the Fish & Game club on a monday night, figuring it would be a great place for photos with the hunting gear, and we find a WEDDING PARTY THERE!!!! It didn't change anything for us though :) We just hiked through a different way as to not worry a black-tie event :) Here are a few favorites just to tease ya! Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bentley : 1 year

Bentley is a happy little guy, who is totally loved by his whole family! Grandma came to help with keeping him entertained, and rarely let him ride in the stroller.... Really, who gives up the opportunity to carry such a cute little grandson?! Love this little guy! I had the privilege of shooting his newborn session and his mom and dad's wedding a few years ago. Thanks Bentley! Enjoy your teasers! . David & Cara Williams .

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Derek & Ginelle : Engaged

This couple came from Colorado for their engagement session! We can't wait for their wedding in October here in West Michigan. Derek and Ginelle are super sweet and beautiful couple. Come to find out, Ginelle was raised in a house only right around the corner from where we live! Small little dutch world we live in here! LOL. Thanks guys!

Enjoy a few teasers! . David & Cara Williams .

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Charlie & Dyan : Wedding

Even through a thunderstorm and loads of rain, this bride and groom couldn't be happier to start their lives together as husband and wife. Charlie and Dyan chose to come from Chicago, to Dyan's home town here in Holland, MI to shared their big day with family and friends. The day ran smoothly, and spirits were up. We were able to shoot at Hope College's campus, where Dyan went to school, during a small break in the weather :) Thanks guys! Enjoy a few teasers!

 . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, August 22, 2011

Todd : Senior

Todd is a great kid from Holland Christian High School. He is big into hunting and fishing, and hangs with a good set of friends that all follow a similar lifestyle centered around their faith. Todd was a little quiet, but was super easy to work with. Guys are so nice to work with, because clothes changes are so easy on the go.... :)

Thanks for your time, and enjoy these few teasers! . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saddle Benders : 4-H session

This was a different type of session for us... it's been a while since we've been able to work with horses and photography together :) We had the privilege of shooting a complete 4-H session of 14 riders with their horses. Here are a few of our favorites, but we had 14 kids with horses to get 3-5 great images of in 1.5 hours. That's less then 6 minutes a rider! It was great... most horses were super thrilled to pose, and then a few, who appeared in bad moods, were annoyed at the camera and refused to look at us or put their ears forward :) LOL! It was great fun! Enjoy these few! . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nate & Kristin : Wedding

Nate & Kristin were sooooo much fun! They were married in a beautiful old Catholic Church in Benton Harbor, and hosted a rock'in party in St. Joseph, MI. Once again, God gave us a great wedding party, great day for photography, and a great Bride and Groom! Here are a few teasers from their beautiful wedding! Enjoy!

 . David & Cara Williams .