
Friday, December 28, 2012

Hudsen : 6 Months

What a handsome little dude!  This is my 3rd opportunity to photograph Hudsen, (kinda.... maternity and newborn... lol!)  and he's just the cutest little guy!!!  He's got personality, and wasn't shy as we went through the whole session putting him in props and goofing off with him.  I could just keep him :)  Well, enjoy some teasers of little Hudson!  See you again at 12 months!!!! I can't wait! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just one.

Merry Christmas from one little cutie! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Aaron : 12 months old

What a great little guy to work with!  And so stinkin' cute!  This little guy just turned a year old, and I saw him last as an infant for his newborn session!  This little guy was just in time for the holidays!  How can you not smile when a little kid smiles at you?.... Here's a taste of handsome for the holidays!  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Oliver : 16 months

What an adorable little boy!  Oliver can capture your heart even out of the humor in his temper tantrums!  Like all little boys his age, he kept us all on our toes for his session.  It's funny.... I usually surprise myself during the shoots where little ones are between 12 months old and 3 years old.... Because they bring so much energy, movement, attitudes, and spontaneity to the studio, I often wonder if I ever caught a shot of them even looking towards the camera!  This little guy had me smiling all through processing his shots, as those beautiful blue eyes just pierce right through you and you can't help but smile. :)  Thanks guys!  He's going to make a good big brother! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Austin : Miracle

 What a great little guy to work with.  All the way from Kalamazoo, he slept great, and wasn't sensitive to any of the little poses I wanted him to do.  Austin went from prop to prop and pose to pose without squirming, or crying.  His mom and dad seemed a bit surprized that he was so cooperative.  Little Austin is about 7lbs and 7 days old here.  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Kelly : a little glam

As I'm taking a Sue Bryce online photography course, I asked my sister to help me practice a few techniques.  Here are some of her finals.  It's a tough type of photography to capture well, and I have a LONG time to get a handle of it, but it was fun ;)  Thanks Kelly! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Olivia : Miracle

 Little Olivia slept the whole session!  Rare for me and especially rare for me with little girls.  She was a tiny little one and I had a lot of fun trying some of my new props out.  Here are some teasers of Olivia's session.  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ethan : Miracle

This super handsome little guy is the first born to our friends and past clients.  About 3 years ago we shot their wedding, and now their friends treated them to an infant shoot for little Ethan!  What a beautiful baby he is!  So much hair!!!  Although Ethan chose to sleep for only parts of his session and not through the whole session, I ended up with more finals in their collection then I expected.  I guess it's quite nice to add in those awake images too.... Maybe that's how we got our name.... 'Awakened'  Images.... LOL! :)  Here's some teasers of this wonderful 12 day old bundle of joy..... . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Princess Cade!

How the time has flown.... Cadence turned one today and I got to go back to those wonderful memories of RUSHING to the hospital yelling at Cadence to wait until we were there to make her appearance.  For all the police out there, I'm sorry, but the blue star tunnel saw speeds much beyond it's 25 mile an hour limit.  Cadence has been so much fun and we just love the personality that's starting to show.  Her eyebrows can raise individually in the strangest ways.  She loves to run away when I'm changing her diaper and makes me play tag to catch her.  She's cut 8 teeth and loves to chat away.  Papa great seems to make her cry by just looking at her, and she'll whack anyone in the face who tries to kiss her.  Her two big brothers love her and have been such big helps as she has grown over the last year.  Here is a quick recap of the last year :) We love you Cadence Ariella!

7 days old
 About 4 months old

 6 months old
  -3 weeks old

 4 days old . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nyland : kiddos

I've known this family since probably 2nd grade or younger.  Elizabeth was a good friend from my church and school.  We both went on a mission trip together to DC (unwillingly....LOL!) but had a great time.  Our families became close and her mother was nicknamed 'mother hen' as she looked out for ALL the kids from our church.  Elizabeth was married a month before David and I, and now she has a family of 2 little kiddos!  Madelyn and Benjamin.   A photo shoot with kids is more about having fun, then just getting your picture taken.  Kids don't know how to show a genuine smile, or pose and look into the light.  If it's a game the whole time, their real personality and smile comes out.  Speaking of personality.... here's a fun set.  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!