
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Emmersyn : 2 years old!

Happy Birthday to Emmersyn!  

She's 2 and has graduated from the Forget-Me-Not children's package.  I've gotten to see this little peanut from her parents maternity session, and each Milestone until now at 2 years old!  What a fun little girl.  This age always keeps me on my toes, and she was no different.  She actually helped rearrange the studio so she could use the props she wanted :)  LOL!  I had a blast!  Here's some teasers of the birthday girl! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jackson { Miracle }

Welcome to the world, Jackson!  
This little guy looks IDENTICAL to his older brother, Hendrik!!!  Jackson is 13 days old here, around 7lbs, 10oz. and such a good baby.  This is the son of my cousin and his wife, from out of town.  She traveled over an hour, just her and her two little boys, for an infant session.  I give her the 'tough mommy' award for that.   I'm glad she did, because it was fun talking a bit about many of the views we had in common, and I was just itching to get a newborn in the studio again :)  Gotta have that newborn fix every now and then....   Keeps me from wanting anymore myself... I get to hold'em, love'em, photograph'em, and send'em home at night and get a full nights rest!  That's probably mean to all the sleep deprived new mommies reading this...  LOL!  Enjoy a few teasers of Jackson!  
This first one still makes me laugh.... you all might think, 'wow, what a beautiful sleep they fall into' or  'how does she get them to sleep through all those poses?'.... ha!  He's totally awake for this, and happened to blink and I caught it.  Yup, secret's out.... I'm not that good... I just learned how to catch a blink. ;)

  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dan & Christie { Married }

So, I'm guessing I have many blog watchers checking OFTEN to see when I get these images posted :)  Well, this is basically my second family.  I've known them since I was born, and have gotten to know them well during my high school years.  When Dan and Christie got engaged, I was thrilled for them!  I was a little nervous to shoot their wedding, since I pretty much knew EVERYONE at their wedding.... all eyes on me.... all those folks who knew me from the inside out since I was born.  Well, it ended up being fabulous!!  My nerves calmed right away as friends and family were encouraging, and helpful to me and the bride and groom throughout the day. It was a beautiful day, and I'm thrilled to announce these teasers for Dan and Christie's wedding day!  Congrats guys!!!!!

 I usually don't post family formals, but this is my 'second' family.  Plus, I was a little surprised to actually have captured an image where all but 1 set of eyes were on me.... tough when there are 7 kiddos under 8 years old!!!!b

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Keath { Family Love }

This family drove 1 hour for this session, and I'm totally impressed!  It takes some courage to travel with a 3 month old, and 3 year old :)  Lanie, their 3 year old warmed up to me right away, and she was my little helper all evening.   She was so stink'in cute.   I think I met her mom while we competed against each other during my horse competition years.  It was cool to hear that she still has the horse I remember her riding, and that she's getting her daughter slowly started riding :)  

 Although this couple is already married, I will get to photograph their wedding party celebration this July.  It's going to be so cool!  They told me some details about the location, and I'm so excited and jealous, because it will be in a renovated barn for events!   Here are a few teasers of some family love between this beautiful family of 4. :)  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tim & Megan { Engaged }

Now, this is a wonderful occasion!  My friend Tim has found his bride!  And he couldn't have found a better girl!  Megan is absolutely wonderful, and absolutely beautiful! 

 I've known Tim since 2002 when I met him and 2 other guys, one who is married to my BFF.  During the engagement session, we were talking about the wedding and his bridal party, and found out that my BFF's hubby will be his Best Man.  He then reminded me HE and I walked down the aisle as Best Man and Maid of Honor at their wedding!  Soooo funny that I actually forgot about that.... Anyway, enough reminiscing.  Here are some teasers of this fabulous couple!  Congrats guys!