
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dustin & Megan : Wedding

Dustin & Megan's wedding day was AMAZING!  What a fun day!  We had come prepared for the worst of storms, and ended up not seeing a single drop of rain.... It was quite the miracle.  Well, we've really been blessed to have a great bunch of Bride's and Groom's this year, and actually all throughout our photography careers.  Dustin and Megan were fantastic to work with.  Fun, easy going, relaxed, and just ready to be married!  Enjoy a few teasers from their wedding!

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 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

John & Katelyn : Engaged

Another great couple, another great engagement session.  John & Katelyn are about as easy going as it gets... Their engagement session was a great chance to get to talk over wedding plans, details, and just get a picture of the day they are planning.  They are planning an October wedding, and I'm excited for it, because it will be at another reception hall I haven't shot at before.  I always love new spots!  Enjoy a few teasers from John and Katelyn's engagement session! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hudsen : 1 year!

Hudsen is another graduate from our Forget-Me-Not growing package!  
He's 1 year old, and keeping mom and dad on their toes!  What a handsome little guy, and a super happy (and easy to photograph) little dude!  I loved all our sessions together, (even while the first was while he was still in mommy's tummy) and loved how his mommy took an infant photo of him to the session for a special shot.  I love ideas fresh from the parents!!!  Well, enjoy his teasers! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Brian & Amanda : Engaged

This little family drove up from out of state for their engagement session.  I'll be shooting their wedding in August in Grand Rapids.  Little Moira will be their flower girl and watch her daddy married a woman who will be a great friend and role model.  I'm excited for their wedding, since it will be a sweet shabby chic look with white birch, wildflowers, and cowboy hats and boots!  

 This was a popular spot, even though it rained through some of the session.... I saw about 4 other photographers, and cute little prop setups all through out the park.  Enjoy a few teasers!


Friday, June 21, 2013

Luce : Family Love

What a great family to get to photograph!  This is my High School art teacher, who seriously believed I had artistic ability, and drove that home to me as an immature, self-conscious teen rebel. :) LOL!  People who know me, know that's very true.  Well, anyway, back to this fabulous family.... I've seen these 3 precious kiddos grow up over the last 8-10 years as they joined my home church.  They are truely a family that loves and serves our Lord and Savior.  They've had their struggles, their joys, and their pains, but as a family that fears the Lord, they are strengthened to endure whatever comes their way.  This is a special Mother's Day gift, and I hope these images can remind them of the beautiful stages of life God blesses us with.
 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Starry : Awakened.... images.

I was awakened by my normally sweet little Cadence the other night, and while helping get her back to sleep at 2:00am, I noticed the clear night, and realized that I haven't seen the stars in a while.  With it getting dark out so late, I'm not up to see them.  I took the opportunity to set up a fish-eye lens, camera, tripod, and found a spot in the backyard where the least light pollution happens, but out of the horses pasture, since they'd be sure to knock over my equipment :)  The Milky way galaxy line was clear, and I was amazed to have captured a shooting star in the last image... however, I didn't notice it until I was looking at the images on my computer :)  These are 30 second exposures with the 16mm fish-eye on a Nikon D3s.  God's handiwork always amazes me, and I felt a call of 'thanks' for my 'inconvenience' to have been awakened so early... God calls me at the strangest of times :)   Two hands raised to my maker!

 The light pollution from the city of Holland almost looks like the Northern Lights! LOL!  It's not.... to the best of my knowledge.....

 See the shooting star???? How amazing is that??!! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!