
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kaden : 6 months

What a CUTIE!
 This little guy was a challenge...... TO STOP SMILING!

 He's got to be one of the happiest babies.... like EVER.  What fun it is to see him grow!  I can't wait until he's 12 months and I get to see him again!  He seriously made every shot work.  Not fair for all of us who have whiny, cranky kiddos with attitude.... :)  LOL!


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hurst : Family love

It was fantastic having family in the studio again... I see on my calendar that I will have several different family members in the studio this fall :)  They drove in from the Kalamazoo area on a perfect Michigan evening for their family session before Christmas... I can hardly believe Dylan is starting High School, after I recall holding him at about 6 months old.  My cousin and his wife now have 2 beautiful little guys, one of which was here not too long ago for his infant session.  Enjoy a few from their session.  The color is just starting at the Outdoors center in Hamilton, and I'm super excited to shoot there a lot this fall.  It quickly became my favorite place to photograph after discovering it last fall.  

 I have this shot in color, but something about the 'antique look' just captivated me to post it.  :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hadley : Miracle

Now here's a brave family!  We just did Hudsen's 1 year photos, and here's their little princess.... It's going to be a busy few years, but it will be sooooo fun having 2 sooooo close in age.  Beautiful little Hadley was a great sleeper, and got through almost everything completely asleep and without feeding.... WOW.... I'll keep her :)   Enjoy a few teasers!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Loves

Here is my little family, growing up...  I love them all to pieces!   My precious little Cadence hung around for more photos, so there's a lot of her, but the intention was to get a cute image of the 3 siblings together....  Oh well, we got a few before the boys ran off to play in the mud. :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tubergen : Family Love

Here's a family I've had connections to and with since my family bought our first horse from them more than 20 years ago, but I've only gotten to know a little better in the last year.  It was great to have the whole family at the studio for a family session before everyone returned to their normal lives in different schools, or states.  Enjoy some teasers! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bob & Jen : Engaged

Here's a great family!  Bob and Jen are planning a winter wedding and their two families will be joining together!  What great kids they have.... Bob's boys were kind and respectful, and Jen's little Emory LOVES her brothers and 'new' daddy!!!  It's great to see my friend Jen happy and in love.  Bob is a great guy and will be a great daddy to little Emory.  Enjoy a few teasers!!!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, September 6, 2013

John & Jayne : 8.24.2013

John & Jayne's day was full of surprises.  I knew about most of them, but it was fun being on the 'surprise-keeper' side as a photographer.  The family was full of love, and the friends who came all really showed their support to the couple.  I didn't have the chance to meet John and Jayne for an engagement session, so they got to learn how I shoot as we went along.  It was a beautiful day, and I was thrilled to find out how this couple's personal relationship with our Lord and Savior really defines their lives, conversations and attitudes.  It was an honor shooting for such a close knit family/friends of believers.  Enjoy a few teasers from their special day :)  More on Facebook.  "LIKE" the Awakened Images Photography page for updated teasers from all my sessions.  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!