
Friday, February 28, 2014

10 years ago....

Many of you will not recognize this guy.... I meet David 10 years ago, around this date in Sacramento, California, while attending Farrier School... This is him back then. :)  

I can't believe I've known him for 10 years already!   I was at my jockey weight (115)  and David wasn't far behind me.  He was a scrawny, weak, and somewhat unhealthy, as he chose a diet of tea.... and that's all.  He dressed in all black, had long hair, and was super shy and quiet.  He was great at art and music.  He smoked maybe 1-2 packs a day, and played guitar all night, while he slept all day.  I don't know how we sparked a relationship, but I'm so thankful for all the changes and the journey he took to get to know me.  After David began his personal relationship with Jesus Christ, everything fell into place.  He became more confident, selfless, and a leader in our relationship.  

We were engaged in early 2006, and married in Aug. 2006.  Now, with 3 kiddos, and a home of our own, great jobs, and a servants life, David is one I'm so very proud to call my own.... and the funny thing is, he thinks HE'S the lucky one.... ha ha right.

 I am so happy with you, David, with your dedication to me and our family.  You are an overachiever at compliments and encouragement you give me every day, and you are a fantastic leader as the man of our home.  Love ya baby!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Snooping

Ever wonder how your kids can get their hands on candy no matter where you hide it?  Well, mine solved their problem as a team :)  Hope Cadence shares the loot! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ella : 9 months old

Little Miss Ella is 9 months old, and rockin' a fantastic hair style.  Once again, Ella was dressed to impress, with all her adorable Etsy fashion.  She opened up near the end of her session with some cute Ella-smiles, but I was surprised to get them after traumatizing her every time the flash fired :) See ya in a couple months Ella!  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Profiles

I saw this on Pinterest years ago, and wanted to try it.  I finally got everyone together, and after several attempts to get the kids looking where were wanted, and to get the lighting right, it turned out quite nicely. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Happy St. Valentine's Day!

The cutest cards are the handmade goodness from a happy heart.  
Our children's paper chain is our sah-weet valentine :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bob & Jen :: 1.25.2014

What a Day!  Bob and Jen picked a winter wedding for the beauty of the season...  And we got the storm of 2013-2014 winter that weekend!   I think the high of the day was about 19 degrees, and the wind was outrageous, as you'll see with some outdoor photo attempts :) LOL!  

But nevermind the weather, because this was a beautiful day to see 2 families joined by marriage.  Jen and her daughter Emory have been on this blog a few times before and I've known Jen since about 6th grade or so.  I even had her dad as my 8th grade teacher.... (poor guy). 

The wedding ended up being smaller due to awful traveling conditions, but the group that was able to make it was ready for the party!  The reception was probably one of the smaller ones the Trestle Stop has had to cater for, and yet their party was rockin' as they were dancing the night away!

Enjoy a few teasers from my first wedding shot in 2014!  Congrats Jen and Bob, Nick, Nate and Emory!

 Yeah, this is just up here for a laugh.... that wind was probably at about 2 degrees... maybe lower and it surprised us all with a great gust right before pictures..... It.Was.Cold.