
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Good bye Mr Turkey

Our Turkey will actually live past Thanksgiving, but not for long.  We raised this little guy from a tiny 2 day old hatch-ling, and now he's HUGE!  He lives with our chickens, and the kids have grown fond of him.... as they do with most animals.  I told the kids what I wanted them to pretend to do for this post, and Zeke wanted a sword when I suggested an ax.... LOL!  I like his idea more :)  Cadence didn't get the hang of the slingshot in her hand, so I guess she's just spectating :)  Happy Thanksgiving! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Willem & Tycho : Brothers

Willem & Tycho are full of energy and full of cuteness!!   These are my cousin's kiddos and it was great to see them again.  Our families only live about an hour away, but we still only see each other 2-5 times a year.   Enjoy a few of Tycho (3 1/2 years old) and Willem (5 1/2 years old).  See you guys at Christmas! This first shot totally cracks me up...

 I title it : FAKE SMILES!


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Wild Child Driver

 Papa and Nana are spoiling their grandkids just as much as they spoiled their children (yes, I was a spoiled child...)  They bought a kids quad this summer and it's the featured toy when ever we go there.... Although they can't drive it yet on their own, it has a remote control, so when they DO drive it, we can randomly shut it off from a distance :) LOL!  So, since Cade is my wild child, I figured this photo isn't too far from the truth of what will happen someday!!!!  ...and then we'll shut it off :) LOL! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Happy Birthday Cadence

So, every princess should get her way on her birthday, right!?  Well, our princess is 3!  She loves being pampered and waited on by her brothers.  I guess for one birthday wish, princess dress up was a must, as long as her subjects delivered her m&m's and Reeses peanut butter cups! This photo will haunt my boys on their graduation and wedding day.... LOL!  Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Selah : 2 years old

Selah is back!  I've been photographing her for 2 years now.... (ha ha) and she's such a quiet little sweetheart!  She's into copying everything you say rather than do what I asked her to do, but it was too cute.  She loves to jump and dance, and loves all the animals on our farm :)
 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Hailey : 18 months

Hailey is an adorable, petite little thing with a lot of energy (as most kids this age).... she did amazing any time I asked her to do something, which is rare for 18 months old.   She was a blast to play with in and outside the studio!

 I can't wait to see her again, hopefully holding her brand new baby sister or brother in April!!!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Jack-O-Lanterns

So, I know Halloween is done, but I have a Halloween post yet....

Here's my Jack-O-Lanterns.... Zeke lost both front teeth this October, so it worked out great!  (I didn't need to knock them out for the sake of this post!) LOL.... Of course we always get around to these photoshoots after the pj's are on, so please excuse my kids always in their pajamas :)  I had to laugh at Lex's because his pumpkin was certainly too heavy for him, but he was tough and held it for about 2 seconds.... don't worry, it didn't smash in the studio... we were quick to help catch it.... although, I'm gonna have to check to make sure I didn't 'smash' my camera while going for the pumpkin :) LOL!  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Matthew & Sarah : 10.25.2014

Matthew and Sarah were married on a beautiful windy Michigan fall day.  I loved their reception at The Barn at Monterey Valley in Allegan, MI.  
It is a beautiful new venue and I hope to shoot there more in the future.  :)  Matthew and Sarah traveled up from Indiana for their wedding in west Michigan.  This is the second wedding for the brides family in 1 year, and I had the privilege of shooting the bride's sister's wedding last October. 
Enjoy a few teasers!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!