
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wacky Williams : Shadow grabber

I have no idea where this idea came from, but I thought it was funny and clever, so why not?  I tried this a few times before I realized how easy it really was.... Oh well, Always keep learning, right?  HAHA . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Averie :: 6 months

Cutest peanut ever!  This little girl is a little mini-mommy!  I love the clothing styles and the adorable custom braid hat her mommy had for her :)  Enjoy a few teasers of miss Averie!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wacky Williams : Pinwheel

Wow, who would have guessed this would be a challenging shot!?  These kiddos.... they can make anything a challenge.  But oh so cute they are!  This is a little older, but after a big series of images, I needed a little something easier to catch back up. 

 I'm planning 2 big series yet in 2017, and this time, plan to open it up to other families!  Give a shout out if you have a full family with all hands in to make a fun image in one of my next photo series. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Corporate Team : Raymond James

I had a great time with a corporate team of amazing investors.   It's time to modern up the corporate world with photography that's less than traditional.... Give me a shout out if you need updated corporate team shots, in a modern, fun, quick and fresh style.  :)
 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Leipe : Family Love

The sunniest, chilliest, windiest spring day was saved for this family photo session :)  Even with all the wind and sun, this family rocked their session, and kept up great attitudes ;)  It was great to break out the gear to outdoors sessions again.  I'm looking forward to a summer full of them! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wacky Williams : Behind the Scenes of "Dutch Life" Series

Tulip Time 2017

With a background heritage from the Netherlands, I'm excited to have this series show a little into my family history/heritage and my city's Tulip Festival.  As a mom, life gets so busy!  I'm sure anyone reading this can say life is busy in general, but I have been noticing that each year dissolves faster than the previous one.  Sometimes, I can't even pull back the memories of what my kids looked like, talked like, ate like, or dressed like from their toddler years or preschool years!

 I created the Wacky Williams Series around Christmas of 2013 after watching an episode of PhotoVision (a DVD subscription of photo eduction)  This one was of Dan and Alex McClanahan, ( who at the time were a very young married couple, where both husband and wife were talented photographers.  They did 'self portraits' that were fun and crazy, and used new photoshop techniques.  They were unique to me, and I loved their energy, craziness, optimism, and originality.  My Wacky Williams Series was to do one of two things :

First, I wanted to document my kids growing up.  As a photographer, I never put time into photographing my kids... or at least if I did, I'd lose the images on my computer since I have a set process for client work, but no organized system for personal photos.  Many photographers I've met, say over and over that they just never get photos of themselves or their families, because after a busy day at work, you just want to set your camera down and be done with your day.  I wanted to show people that I believe in my work, and value it.  I mean, photographers should have the best photos of themselves and family over anyone, right?

Second, As I learn new techniques of photography and photoshop, I needed some way to practice them.  Each new lighting set up, or photoshop tutorial I'd watch, I'd put into use on the next Wacky Williams idea.  I'd search Pinterest for manipulated photos, and crazy ideas, and either copy them, or use them as inspiration.   After about a year, people told me they look forward to their Wednesdays, to see what I'd come up with.  They started giving me ideas, inspiration, and encouragement.  I became a student of Josh Rossi's FTP school at the beginning of this year, and have gained a wealth of knowledge, mostly in photoshop work.  I'd highly recommend the school to anyone that wants to do this style of composited photography.  (

 David is the most encouraging husband through it all!

2017 marks the start of the fourth year of one Wacky Williams image per week.  I made an album of all the images I created for my family, and it is our only 'baby book' or family album.  I'm excited to see where some of the workshops I'm signed up for this year will take my work.

Sometimes, I look back at my work, and I'm completely embarrassed!  It looks so primitive and poorly done!  BUT, no one succeeds without failure, and I have serious proof, that I've come a long ways.

The making of the Dutch Life Series

Day 1 
 "Suiting Up for Tulip Time"  

Day 2 
"First Tulip"

Day 3 


Day 3
"Tulip Fields"


Day 5
"Street Scrubbing"


Day 6

Day 7

Day 8
"Story Time"

Day 9

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!