
Monday, July 31, 2017

Trevor : Class of 2018

I'm having too much fun with Senior photography this year.... These kids all are up for trying out some new and fun stuff, and I'm loving the practice and the results :)  Most guys, including Trevor, aren't thrilled to have to sit through senior photos and do a bunch of smiles at the camera.  Trevor nailed it though with each 'setting' we went to, and at the end, we had a blast at his school's soccer field, getting some sport shots in :)  We had a perfect sunset for them, and some killer shots!  Enjoy some teasers of Trevor.

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Derek : 6 months

Now this was a happy baby!  Derek was actually difficult to catch him NOT smiling.... This little guy is 6 months old, and literally would smile before he looked at me.... lol!   It's so fun to see our past wedding clients with their growing families.  This little guy's mom and dad were a wedding client back in 2009, some of our first years as photographers!  And keeping within their family, we are doing this little one's Auntie's wedding this fall!   Enjoy a few teasers! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wacky Williams : Artists to the core

All three of these kids EXCEL in art.  Now, if we could get them to keep up in their classes for academics....  I'm amazed when the teachers so me their art, or when they just start doodling...  They really just have that gift.  So, why not crazy us up a little more, and let the artist minds go wild?  
Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Family :: Vanden Bosch

This family was such a joyful group.  The way each of the children interacted with their cousins and siblings was with such natural acceptance and fun.  For a group this size, I can always expect a few kiddos to be the 'domino' that knocks down the rest, but this group was fantastic!  Even with me about 300 feet away to take this first shot, they were able to stay with me the whole time :)   Enjoy a few teasers of the VandenBosch Family!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Noah : Class of 2018

I'm probably the only one.... but maybe because he's named 'Noah', I thought he looked a bit like Ryan Gosling (Noah from the Notebook) ??  Yeah, probably just me.  Well, traveling downtown Holland for his photoshoot, we had BEAUTIFUL weather, and an awesome time.  After a few urban shots, we headed to the Holland State Park to meet up with Noah's girlfriend for a few shots before ending the evening with a beautiful sunset and some fun in Lake Michigan.

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Kolk : Family 2017

What a group!  This family is one of those families that I consider family myself.  We all grew up in the same church, and with a small church, we all knew everybody.  It's now been probably 15 years or so that I've seen this group together, and look at all those grandkiddos! 
 (and one neighborhood friend)
They were up for a little crazy and a lot of fun!  
So, why not? :)   Enjoy a few teasers of the Kolk Family!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Jacob : Class of 2018

 Third times the charm, right?  Well, all three of the kiddos in this family have all been amazing charmers!  Jacob, the youngest, was too much fun.  We had this fun idea to involve his jet ski for his senior photos.... I mean, what's more fun than that!?!?  Yeah, not much.  

So after photos before and hiking up Laketown Beach with gear (And apparently, the Hawaii mountain I climbed wasn't 'conditioning' for these 183 stairs.... covered in sand and carrying gear) we went to a boat launch, where Jacob backed his little trailer for his jet ski down what seemed like a 1/4 mile narrow launch, we had some serious fun in the sunset! 
 It. was. awesome. 
Enjoy a few teasers of Jacob from his senior session!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!