
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wacky Williams : Crash Landing . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, August 28, 2017

James : Class of 2018

James got me out on the golf course for a few shots.  It was AWESOME.  His dad kindly got us a golf cart and took us around Macatawa legends.  Of course the best spots tend to be farthest apart from each other, so I was quite thankful for the golf cart... plus, it made a cool prop! LOL.  James looks a whole lot like his brother, who I photographed 2 years ago.  It was great catching up with his family as they followed us around.  We had a perfect evening for photos!  James could have been a model,.... if he liked being!  Typical of most guys...  haha.

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Jake : Class of 2018

I've known Jake and his family for a few years now, and I just love watching these guys all growing into who God has made them to be.  Jake has such a good heart, and is looking at going to school to teach high school.... That's crazy cool.... I wanted out of school at his age, and wouldn't have considered anything dealing with school again... lol!  But this kid is loving the Spanish language, and wants to possibly teach it.  That's cool.  He's also an amazing athlete!  He's had a few set backs, but still has a passion for sports and will drive that goal home through the tough times.   Enjoy a few teasers of Jake!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Levi : Class of 2018

Levi and his brother Jake came for their senior photos together.  Being the 'twin' role his whole life,  I tried to make their images reveal a bit more of their individualism.  Levi is on the Holland Christian Football and Basketball team, and wanted some of his athletics revealed in his images.  So, a quick run to the football field gave us some great images of his sporty side.   Enjoy a few teasers of Levi's senior photos!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Ellie : Miracle

This sweet little girl is the first baby for one of my longest Farrier clients!  So naturally, little Ellie needed some cowgirl images!  :)  I'm sure over the next few years, I'll be seeing Ellie in the barn with her horse and mini donkey!  Enjoy a few teasers of Ellie!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wacky Williams : Artist Clean Up

 These kiddos drive me nuts!  I'm guessing I'm not alone, but they make messes wherever they go!  I can follow them from room to room just cleaning up the path they leave behind!  We are going to have to work on that.... Here's one of their favorite messes to leave.... pencil shavings... I think they shave them just for fun.... ahhhhhhh! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wright Family

This family.... I just LOVE them all!  Little Abigail was still baking in the womb when I started working with them, and now she's making me special bracelets!  What a sweet heart!  Now, this family has grown, and I get to watch these kids becoming amazing little people!   On top of all that, I just love watching parents grown into their roles... I'm so impressed when I see parents love on their children, and teach their children about their loving Savior and Lord!

 Each kiddo has such an amazing and unique personality...  I can't wait to see them all again someday :)  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!