
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wacky Williams : Dream Boy

Lex turned 8 in March and we made this image of him.... He's my Dream boy :)  This child has all the best qualities from both David and myself.  
He's kind, gentle, compassionate, forgiving, pure, loving, righteous, hardworking, creative, selfless, smart, and a natural peacekeeper.  He has such a mature understanding of his heavenly father, and loves Jesus.  I wish I could be more like him.  He's going to make some woman the BEST husband ever someday.  (you're welcome future daughter-in-law) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wacky Williams : Nikon Series - Image 8

I wanted to have some fun with another series, and started to think through all the things I'm passionate about.... well, photography was one of 3 at the top of my list, so I started brainstorming how I could make a series about photography..... tough one!  

Well, after not really coming up with anything, I started to break my photography passion down, to subjects, technique and gear....  I always photograph subjects, because that's photography mainly.... and technique would be used through out the process and hard to display, but I landed on gear, and started getting crazy images pop into my mind about using my kiddos, shrunk down and having fun among my gear. 

 I've been a Nikon user since 2006, and have acquired a grand amount of amazing gear.... so as images popped into my head, I quickly drew them out and found ways of using the Nikon gear as part of the main subject of the image.... after coming up with 7-10 ideas, we set up a shoot in my studio to start.... I used the basic 3 light set up, so I had options in case I didn't know exactly how I planned to make each image.  (which is usually the case)  

My kids rocked it, and for a piece of candy each, we had 9 images shot and done.  
Then comes the photoshop.  I wish I could say every composite works as I see it in my mind, but that's kinda what's cool about composites.... they don't!  But, most cases, I find BETTER ways, and it looks way cooler than my mind saw it!!!!  Now, I've had several complete fails... some where I can't salvage any part, and I lose motivation on the idea, and scrap it altogether. 

This is the last image in this series, and I hope you enjoyed them! 

Maybe I can talk Nikon into starting a movement of Photography of their gear as advertising and win upgrades of their gear! .... LOL!  But seriously, how cool would that be....?  These D3s cameras have been well used... both as gear and props! lol :) 

Enjoy My Nikon Series!

Image 8 - Fine Table for Two

Image 7 - Lens Mountain

Image 6 - Sensor Curiosity

Image 5 - Lens Cleaning

Image 4 - Rugged Gear 
(for Rugrats in the Rugged outdoors)

Images 3 - Oh Snap!

Image 2 - Lens Wishing Well

 Image 1 - Lens Forest . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wacky Williams : Nikon Series - Image 7

I wanted to have some fun with another series, and started to think through all the things I'm passionate about.... well, photography was one of 3 at the top of my list, so I started brainstorming how I could make a series about photography..... tough one!  

Well, after not really coming up with anything, I started to break my photography passion down, to subjects, technique and gear....  I always photograph subjects, because that's photography mainly.... and technique would be used through out the process and hard to display, but I landed on gear, and started getting crazy images pop into my mind about using my kiddos, shrunk down and having fun among my gear. 

 I've been a Nikon user since 2006, and have acquired a grand amount of amazing gear.... so as images popped into my head, I quickly drew them out and found ways of using the Nikon gear as part of the main subject of the image.... after coming up with 7-10 ideas, we set up a shoot in my studio to start.... I used the basic 3 light set up, so I had options in case I didn't know exactly how I planned to make each image.  (which is usually the case)  

My kids rocked it, and for a piece of candy each, we had 9 images shot and done.  
Then comes the photoshop.  I wish I could say every composite works as I see it in my mind, but that's kinda what's cool about composites.... they don't!  But, most cases, I find BETTER ways, and it looks way cooler than my mind saw it!!!!  Now, I've had several complete fails... some where I can't salvage any part, and I lose motivation on the idea, and scrap it altogether. 

Over the next 8 weeks or so, I'm going to post one from the series each week, so keep watching until they all have been unveiled!  

Maybe I can talk Nikon into starting a movement of Photography of their gear as advertising and win out big.... LOL!  But seriously, how cool would that be? :) 


Image 7 - Lens Mountain

Image 6 - Sensor Curiosity

Image 5 - Lens Cleaning

Image 4 - Rugged Gear 
(for Rugrats in the Rugged outdoors)

Images 3 - Oh Snap!

Image 2 - Lens Wishing Well

 Image 1 - Lens Forest . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cam & Ally : success to launch . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wacky Williams : Nikon Series - Image 6

I wanted to have some fun with another series, and started to think through all the things I'm passionate about.... well, photography was one of 3 at the top of my list, so I started brainstorming how I could make a series about photography..... tough one!  

Well, after not really coming up with anything, I started to break my photography passion down, to subjects, technique and gear....  I always photograph subjects, because that's photography mainly.... and technique would be used through out the process and hard to display, but I landed on gear, and started getting crazy images pop into my mind about using my kiddos, shrunk down and having fun among my gear. 

 I've been a Nikon user since 2006, and have acquired a grand amount of amazing gear.... so as images popped into my head, I quickly drew them out and found ways of using the Nikon gear as part of the main subject of the image.... after coming up with 7-10 ideas, we set up a shoot in my studio to start.... I used the basic 3 light set up, so I had options in case I didn't know exactly how I planned to make each image.  (which is usually the case)  

My kids rocked it, and for a piece of candy each, we had 9 images shot and done.  
Then comes the photoshop.  I wish I could say every composite works as I see it in my mind, but that's kinda what's cool about composites.... they don't!  But, most cases, I find BETTER ways, and it looks way cooler than my mind saw it!!!!  Now, I've had several complete fails... some where I can't salvage any part, and I lose motivation on the idea, and scrap it altogether. 

Over the next 8 weeks or so, I'm going to post one from the series each week, so keep watching until they all have been unveiled!  

Maybe I can talk Nikon into starting a movement of Photography of their gear as advertising and win out big.... LOL!  But seriously, how cool would that be? :) 


Image 6 - Sensor Curiosity

Image 5 - Lens Cleaning

Image 4 - Rugged Gear 
(for Rugrats in the Rugged outdoors)

Images 3 - Oh Snap!

Image 2 - Lens Wishing Well

 Image 1 - Lens Forest . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!