
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wacky Williams : Jurassic World part 2

With the new Jurassic World movie, we had to have some fun with it.... especially after I went to the Island they filmed it on....  
No children were harmed in the making of this image.... :)   We had to wait for a day with no snow because I wanted the kids to run on the grass, and not in the studio... We finally got our chance and made the image :) 

1.  Photograph the kids running on the lawn with 2 lights.  You can see Cadence couldn't get it well in one try :)  She couldn't look scared, so we had her run looking backwards.  The three I picked are on top, with some BTS out takes below. 

2.  I had made the background from a Hawaii photo, a grass field and some Michigan storm clouds.

3. I found these awesome TRex png files online.

4.  I put the kids in and added some rocks flying at their feet.

5. I applied the coloring

6.  I added a few of my favorite filters from Topaz Labs, and Niks color efex, put rain, shadows, and more coloring and I loved it! 

Thanks for Checking! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Wacky Williams : Honor to our Veterans

I have American Pride.  I LOVE our country and have an over abundance of gratitude for those who serve.  I have cousins who have served, and know many friends that are currently serving or have served.  Their lives will be forever be changed from their experiences. 

I cannot thank you enough.  If you have served our country, or are supporting a family who is serving, I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!
 From the bottom of my heart.  

YOU are respected and honored in the highest regards at the William's household. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wacky Williams : Jurassic World part 1

 It's fun when even David and I want to be part of the images.... it sort of transports us into the world of fantasy, as much as it does for the kids.   With the release of the 'Fallen Kingdom' from the Jurassic movies, we thought about having some fun with it :)  I am loving the cinematic lighting, and coloring of these fantasy/action movies, and it really enhances my still images.  I'm loving anamorphic flares, and the cool blue coloring, as well as images like this one, with back light, and high contrast...  Enjoy!

Here's the Creation process!
1. Shoot our 'Chris Pratt' in the studio

2. Found a background online that looks the part.

3. Add dust, and foreground foliage ferns

4. Found these raptor png images online

5. Added the subject into the image

 6. After several coloring layers, dodging and burning, and some smoke/dust, it felt like a 'real' composite,  Believably unbelievable. :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wacky Williams : Photo Excursion

David and I were able to travel to Arizona over my Birthday this past April on strictly photo fun.  We took a lot of pictures, and I was able to use them for some fun composites :)  Here's one fun one, just  because.  :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Dutch Life 2018 Overview

I had a blast photographing my kids for another Tulip Time Festival.   My kids had fun helping me with ideas and being great little actors.   As they grow, I have to keep looking for costumes!  I'm one of 4 girls, so my mom has every size I'll ever need for my Cadence, but the boys are tougher!  I had their boy costume as a dutch dancer, so it was fun to have them wear 'mommy's' province, but they keep growing! 

Enjoy my images from Tulip Time 2018.  
Follow me on Instagram to see more weekly images! 
awakenedimages  (or)    the_williams5

Rainy Day activities.... I'm so proud of my kids for really being able to entertain themselves.... I rarely hear, 'I'm bored' around our place.... They are getting into some electronics, which I'm struggling to accept, but am glad they prefer outdoor activities over them yet. :) 

Our kiddos are very good about helping us with chicken chores.... they collect the eggs, and feed the scratch, so it made perfect sense to make an image about their helpful hands on our little farm.  I used Dutch Village's barn, because it's much prettier than ours :) 

My kids loved this little lamb.  We named him Felix, because we weren't aware he already had a name (Deacon) and were able to grab some photos of him while we babysat (lambsat) for him last spring. 

The Carousel at Dutch Village was a hit, because the swings were shut down due to high winds.... 

This was a fun idea.... let's have the best student, play the 'naughty' student, and the two naughty's play the 'good' student role.... :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Wacky Williams : Dutch Life 2018

Who got mints at church every Sunday?  WE DID!!!  And if we sat by Grandma and Grandpa, we got even more :)  The famous Wilhemina mints were our favorite, and we still buy them today for our kids at church or to cure a tummy ache.  Candy at church is usually heard rolling down the aisles, but always retrieved by a helpful attendee and handed back up the rows to my longing kids. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Wacky Williams : Dutch Life 2018

We live on a small hobby farm on the south side of Holland so it made perfect sense to show some Dutch farm life.... even if the dutch would have never worn their nice attire out to do chores :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, May 11, 2018

The Wacky Williams : Dutch Life 2018

My kids are perfect during Church.  Well, they sit through most Sundays without too much incident.  This image totally depicts how my kids act, out of innocence, at church.... or anywhere they are required to sit quietly still.   Cadence is also my sweet tooth, and will ask for a snack 15 times a day.   Church to her, is about the candy :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Wacky Williams : Dutch Life 2018

The people of Holland might not recognize this background in it's entirety, because it's Windmill Island on the left, and the Settlers house porch.... I wanted to make a rainy day photo, because it always seems to rain during the festival... I mean, it is spring and something has to keep those tulips looking fabulous :)    The kids each picked a rainy day chore for this image.  Zeke enjoys knitting... something the 3rd grade classmates at Calvary Schools of Holland are doing.  Lex took a liking to simple card games, and Cadence loves collecting the eggs, and inspecting them for cracks. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Cam & Ally : Harry Potter





January . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Wacky Williams : Dutch Life 2018

Blue Delft!  

The beautiful ceramic art of the Dutch.  
We were able to visit Dutch Village a day before the Tulip Festival 2018 started, and I took several images to use as my backgrounds.  I wanted to display my kids getting crazy with their artistic abilities, but Nana would have had a tizzy-fit if I got paint on their dutch costumes.... 

SO, Photoshop for the win!   No costumes were damaged in the making of this image, and the kids laughed their heads off when they saw what I had created for them.  Ahhhh to clean kids that look like they were in a messy image.... Bravo.... I pat myself on the back. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Wacky Williams : Dutch Life 2018

This image features the Cappon House.   It was the home of the first Mayor of Holland, who was a Tanner by trade.  He had 16 children living in this home that is now a City Museum.

We used the back entrance for this image. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, May 7, 2018

The Wacky Williams : Dutch Life 2018

 Yay!  It's tulip time week in Holland, Michigan and everything went from winter BLAH to BEAUTY!  It's amazing :)  I have a few images that I've made for this year's Tulip Time with my little dutch kiddos.  This one features the beautiful Pillar Church, and my trio of trouble :)  This year, Cadence is in a Vriesland costume, as she grew out of last years.  

Enjoy a few as we venture through the highlights of the history of our little town! 
 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Wacky Williams : Dutch Life 2018

I homeschool my little girl and my boys go to an AMAZING Christian school in Holland.  I found an old dutch school house and figured I needed to make an image with School life! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!