
Monday, March 30, 2009

Zeke's Salon Visit

Ezekiel went to Younker's Salon this afternoon for a "little boy" haircut. He was not fond of the process, and Auntie Ashley did a great job on a squirming subject. Zeke had to have a comb in each hand and had to sit in my lap to make this even slightly feasible. After only about 15 minutes, we were outta there with a boyish hair cut, and a still mildly happy Zeke :)

My handsome little Pepsi addicted boy :)Zeke learned how to use a spoon recently, and I thought this little story board about how well it went was very cute. It was straight to the bath after this.... Applesauce everywhere! . David & Cara Williams .

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ridge Point Community Church

On a last minute call, we were invited to shoot for Ridge Point's Opening of their big new Auditorium! It was excellent... we were given permission to shoot from back stage, and from all over! We focused on the auditorium and the new stage, and all the seating, but there was sooooo much more going on! The church was packed! Here are some of the awesome new facility where our church can reach out to more people then ever before!!!! The balcony area
The whole auditorium
Pastor Jim- Something fun about Pastor Jim - When he gets overwhelmed, or emotional, he automatically spins his wedding band around. It's so down to earth how he acts, and treats people, and handles the issues people bring to him. He's great!
The super talented Moses on Keyboard . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, March 23, 2009

Craig & Melissa : Engagement

This is Craig & Melissa. They were totally an easy couple to work with! :) All smiles, natural love, and willingness to try whatever we threw at them. Craig is such a gentleman towards Melissa, it's completely adorable. The way he looks at her, watches out for her, and takes care of her, it's a perfect example of seeing love the way GOD talks about in 1 Corinthians 13. We managed to get this shoot in after rescheduling it for our son with the flu. There will be lots more on the website soon!!!! Thanks guys, you were great!

They will be married April 25 in Holland, Michigan! . David & Cara Williams .

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Living Hope Singers 2009!

David and I had the privilege of photographing the Living Hope Singers showcase rehearsal. They are an amazingly talented young group of kids! If you get the opportunity, go see them live Tonight, or Friday for like $6-$8 at Christ Memorial Church in Holland! It is a show of Holland Christian's select singers putting on a fantastic performance of skits and dance numbers themed to 'entertainment through out the ages'. I believe there were 36 numbers between the 32 kids! David and I were 'let loose' with our creativity, and after 2800 shots, and 64 GB later, here are some of my favorites! Great job guys! SEE HUNDREDS MORE ON OUR WEBSITE!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Claudia & Keng: Engagement

Claudia & Keng were awesome to work with!!! After rescheduling this photo shoot from the torrential downpour we were thrown last week Saturday, we found a great sunny spring-like day. They were fully willing to try anything we suggested, including rock climbing, fence hopping and all the hiking we had to do through the Fish and Game Club in Zeeland, Michigan :) They were complete natural "models" and after we showed them the pose, they fell into it perfectly! Here are a few of our favorites, but there's plenty more to see on our website in a few days! :) Thanks guys! You were great!!!!! . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, March 9, 2009

Visiting Daddy for Lunch

Today, Zeke and I brought Daddy Subway for lunch at Walters Gardens, INC. It was comfortable for Zeke to be outside in a jacket, and he was a busy bee, checking out everything there. Mostly, he just walked for the sake of walking :) I took a camera because David was saying that things are blooming, and he's had the urge to take our camera, but can't take care of the camera all day while at work, so I figured he could have a blast for his 30 minute lunch break! He did and the flowers ARE Gorgeous! Spring is right around the corner!!!! :) . David & Cara Williams .

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Amish Country

Every year my grandparents take the whole family on a tourist attraction vacation. This years location was Shipshewana, Indiana. We spent 2 nights at a waterpark/hotel, and 1 day at the Menno-hof museum and the Blue Gate Resturant. Then Sunday morning they took us to the Studebaker House for Brunch, and then the Studebaker Car Museum. Here are some fun picts from the weekend because, of course, we took our camera!! Dalton was all smiles on Saturday!
The Studebaker Museum.

Our Family, (Thanks MOM)!

The whole Clan! 24 of us!

This is the Studebaker Home. They had 10 kids! After becoming the best Wagon / Wheel makers, their kids took over to make the Studebaker cars, and many other things!