
Monday, December 19, 2011

Aaron : Miracle

Little Aaron was such a sweet little baby boy! It's so crazy to see how quick babies grow though... Our little Cadence is 3 weeks older then little Aaron and I can already see how much she is filling out! Once, this little guy fell asleep, we could do almost any of the props and poses with him. He's just so perfect! I hope his sleeping schedule helps out his mom and dad soon... those sleepless nights are a killer! :) Thanks guys! He's a beautiful, perfect little boy! . David & Cara Williams .

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cadence : 2 weeks old

Well, little cadence continues to be a great blessing, and although she is just over 3 weeks old already, these images are from the first 2 weeks of her life.... 3 kiddos keeps me too busy to do all the photoshoots I'd love to do, but I'm glad we were able to get what we could :) Enjoy :)

 . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, December 5, 2011

Emmersyn : 6 Months

This little peanut is just a beautiful little baby! I had the opportunity to shoot her newborn session back in May, and now it's sooooo cool to see her growing up and getting a little personality to die for! What a sweetie! Here is little Emmersyn!