
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Steve & Missa : Engaged!

Steve & Missa will be married in one month! I got them in for an engagement session at about the last possible opportunity. Their session was really quite awesome! We started at Missa's home... I got to meet her handsom hubby-to-be, and her beautiful horse. Missa is a very talented horse trainer, and works at a great stable in Holland... Look her up if you want your kiddos learning a bit about horse showing :) Can't wait for your wedding in just less then a month!!! Enjoy the teasers!
 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Kai : Slideshow . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kai : 3 years old

I first met Kai at a wedding we shot in 2010. He was the cutest little ring bearer! Since then, we have had the priviledge to see him when his little brother came in for his newborn, and 6 month sessions. Finally, it's Kai's turn! :) He is the smartest little 3 year old, I have ever met! He is hilliarious to talk with, and 'reason' with! What a cutie! Enjoy some teasers! . David & Cara Williams .

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Emory : 2 Years

Emory turned 2 in January, and she has been such a joy to watch grow over the last 2 years. Emory was part of the 'forget-me-not' session plan and this was her last of 4 sessions. She is stinkin' adorable! Here are some teasers of her in our new studio :)

 . David & Cara Williams .

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sweet dreams

I love watching her sleep :) My little dream-come-true.... . David & Cara Williams .

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Studio : Practice stages

We were far enough along in our studio construction for some practice rounds, so we dressed the family up, and headed into the cold studio (heat is the next step) :) I'd say I'm liking the results :) . David & Cara Williams .

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Milestone : Cadence

My little Cadence is now almost 12 weeks old, and I can't believe it, but she has been sleeping through the night for almost a week! Both my boys were a lot more difficult, with Zeke sleeping through the night consistantly around 9 months old, and Lex at 6 months. Cadence has showed them up at 11-12 weeks old! What a great little babe! Here is our little blessing, at over 12 pounds already!

 . David & Cara Williams .