
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hutchinson Family

This family made my job fun!  They had quite the day preparing for their session.  Hair and make up in Detroit, then drove all the way to Holland and we did two locations, ending at the beach for a gorgeous, unexpected sunset!  Their kids, Parker and Spencer, and their dog, Ferris Bueller were super cooperative and willing to do any of the crazy things I asked of them :)  Thanks guys! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Adventures with the Wacky Williams : Weeds n' Seeds

What kid doesn't think this is fun!?  So, again, the jammies are the featured articles of clothing for our photos... What's up with that? :)
 I did this at a wedding this year, and thought that my kids would rock this idea.... after about 4 sets of ruined dandelions, we got the shot!  Super cute :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Adventures with the Wacky Williams : Fathers Day 2015

I just want to take this fathers day to say, WE LOVE YOU DADDY!!!!   Here's to showing some love.   This guy is TOTALLY amazing.  The best thing he does for his kids is use his life as a way to serve others.... His wife (gotta love that one.... wink wink...) his church, God and all the people he comes into contact with. 
 Dad's are called to be the servant example that Christ is to his church.   They are meant to be the example of what God the Father is to us.... Satan is in the business of messing that one up.  He wants people to struggle to know what a FATHER is. What God is.  Unconditionally loving, patient, just, and merciful.  

David has shown that every day.  The kids are crazy about him.  What they don't really know yet, is how much intention, thought, prayer and love go into his parenting.    Although a blog post can't express it.... WE LOVE YOU!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hudsen : 3

This little guy (Emphasis on 'Little') is almost 3!  I've really gotten to know him and his family over these last 3 years.... He's kinda becoming my little buddy!  Hudsen and his younger sister Hadley are about the same size.  It really feels like photographing twins!  These little ones had some fun playing at the Outdoor Nature center during their session.  We always do a few family shots and such so any time one kiddo was distracted, I just turn my attention to the other one :)   We ended the session back at the Studio to get his last shot for his picture frame.  His mom was dedicated to the idea of getting his picture holding his picture frame from last year, all the way down to his infant shot.  So cool.... Enjoy some teasers!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Rodney & Kara : Engaged

Kara told me about Rodney's proposal at our first meeting together.  It was a hilarious jaw dropper.   Basically, as the fishing enthusiasts that they are, his proposal included a ring on a fishing hook that she reeled in.... and then after Rodney helped her unhook the ring, he tossed it over board into the Lake!!!  A little more than shocked, Rodney revealed the real ring and proposed...  Aright future couples... top that!  I just love hearing the different proposal stories... I get a small view into how much effort a guy puts into this moment that every woman has fantasized about.   Well, Kara and Rodney are getting married this summer and although they have a short engagement, they have everything in line for a beautiful wedding.  I'm looking forward to it!  Enjoy some teasers!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wacky Williams Wednesday : My hubby, the Artist

This image was created OVER a year ago!  I had forgotten about it, and had so many new ideas get bumped up on the list of Wacky Williams shots, and this kept getting bumped back.  My hubby can often be seen drawing comic book characters for our 2 boys.  He's gotten good at Superman, Batman, Spiderman, the Flash, and a few others.  I decided one day that he should draw something better then superheros..... SUPERKIDDOS!!!! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Chris & Sam : Engagement

What a night!  Lighting : Perfect.  Couple : Perfect.  A totally awesome session!  I was invited to a newer location for me, and the possibilities were ENDLESS for great shots!  This couple's chemistry was.... ***Swoon!***  Chris and Sam will be married the end of this summer and I'm sure their wedding will be as, OR MORE perfect then their engagement session!  Congrats you guys! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Dan & Erin : Engaged

Yay!!!! It's the start of the 'Engagement' season!  (when I shoot the MAJORITY of my engagement sessions....) I was able to try out a new location, had an adorable dog tag along, and get to know a mighty fine couple!!!  What a fun time of year!  Dan & Erin totally had me going with their earliest statement... a shy confession that they weren't really good with the whole PDA thing... (public display of affection) but I'd have to say, they got it down!   They were totally adorbs!!!  Enjoy their teasers!!  Congrats guys!  Can't WAIT until this September for your big day! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

WW : Slingshot

When you're bigger Lex..... when you're bigger.  Revenge of the younger brother coming soon. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!