
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Reuben : 2016

Ok, I have to admit.... most of the seniors I've photographed are WAY more mature than I was in high school.... Reuben qualifies as WAY more mature than I was.  This kid has me going like 'WOW.'   He's great at all he does, and does all with an excellent attitude.  He's a great athlete, student, leader, worker, and I'd guess his folks would say he's a great son ;)  I grew up in the same church as Reuben and his family, and remember Co-teaching Reuben's preschool Sunday school class um-teen years ago!  LOL!  

Now, he's quite the gentleman.  Responsible in so many more things than I'd imagine a High schooler could take on.  Congrats this spring on your Graduation!  Enjoy the teasers :)  We had to have some fun with his 'America' outfit.... the story behind it was quite hillarious! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wacky Williams : The Blurs

So, As our kids get older, they get..... faster.  So, why not blur them!?  We do this at most weddings, and never though about it for our kids!    So, here's to our speedy trio.... and there they went. LOL

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Aiden : 2 years old!

Aiden just turned 2 and graduated from his Forget-me-Not Package!   Here's a recap from his previous sessions...  What a beautiful little boy!  Crazy how time goes by sooooo much faster when you have kids and watch them grow!  I find it funny that my days go by too slow, but yet, I can't seem to find out where the time went when another year goes by and my babies get older!   So, I conclude.... Children make my ....... Days = to slow, Years = to fast.  Anyway, Aiden has been a joy to have in the studio.  He's respectful, obedient, friendly, fun, and basically, everything that most 2 year olds are NOT.... Ha!  Thanks Aiden!

  Aaaaaaannnddd, now he's 2!  Happy Birthday (a month later).... Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Adventures with the Wacky Williams :: Merry-go-round

I'm a little dizzy just remembering this session... My kids are not always super cooperative, and the more spins, while looking through the camera, did not bode well for my equilibrium!  But, ..... it was a super cool shot, inspired by McClanahan Studios of Iowa.   It's a slow exposure, about 1/30th of a second, while spinning at a pretty good rate.  I used a 35mm f1.4 lens on a D3s.  Hang on!!!! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Matt & Alyssa : Engaged!

Matt & Alyssa are getting married!!!!  I'm excited that their wedding won't be as cold as their engagement session was, but we still had a great time in the snow, bundled up warm :)  Matt and Alyssa will be getting married at her home church (the one I grew up and was married in too!) and it's a thrill for me to see these young kids I once knew, grow in to wonderful young adults, and find their place in the world.   I'm so excited for July!!!!  (come quickly!!! ... as it's 8 degrees out while I type this)  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Peyton : 1 year!

What a PRETTY little girl!!!! 12 months old and look at that hair!  My kids started showing their blonde fuzz at about 12 months.  Peyton was such a happy baby, she Aced her photoshoot.  Her whole family came along and we were able to get an awesome family photo.... those tend to be hard to get that this age, but again, .... Aced it! Enjoy these teasers!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Framed

Apparently, we do a lot without our shoes on.... lol!  Enjoy our cuties stuck in a frame on the wall.... I doubt they will fit in it much longer :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wacky Williams : Happy 8th Birthday Zeke!

Happy 8th (YES, 8th!!!!!) birthday to my big buddy!  Zeke started out and continues to be a rough first kiddo... with some health issues, and MAJOR attitudes and strong will... but I'm smitten by his kind heart, and his determination.... He is creative, terribly smart, social, goofy, and LOVES animals... He is becoming a fine young gentleman, and I'm so lucky to have been selected to be his mommy.... (or 'Mom' since apparently, 'mommy' is a term said by little kids....)  ... sigh....  8 years.... wow, can you pinch me?  I'm not sure I'm ready for this.  He's growing out of everything... eating more then his Dad, and has become the other helper in the home.  He's FINALLY, starting to reason with us, and although he flares up with fits occasionally, David has to remind me whose genes he is from, and that Zeke and I tend to be the same person.   Happy 8th Birthday to my son, who has made me love and appreciate God's humor in giving me little boys.   I LOVE YOU KIDDO! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Matt & Erica : 12.19.2015

 Literally, the first COLD day of the 2015-2016 winter came on Matt and Erica's wedding day.... It was cold.... and bitterly windy.... and yet.... WE ALL WENT OUTSIDE.... TO THE BEACH!
It. was. awesome!  Matt and Erica were super chill about everything, and happy as long as they were in each other's arms.  This couple's chemistry is AH-Mazing. The bridal party made us feel like friends, and the families probably would have taken us in as their own.  We felt like we were part of this wedding... well, more then just as photographers.  Again, we are soooo blessed to have amazing couples to photograph, and be part of the weddings we get to witness.  Enjoy the teasers to Matt and Erica's Fantasy winter Christmas wedding... minus the snow.

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!