
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Wacky Williams : Biked It

Zeke biked Mackinaw Island.... twice!  This kid is endless muscle and energy.  He never said he was tired, or asked to rest, and of course he thought it was a race so he had to be in the front.   We decided a wacky Williams photo was a necessity (along with his new shirt that says "Biked It") So, here it is.  Zeke with his endless energy, pulling our family around the Island :)   The yellow B&B was the one that was home to all 29 of us from my mom's side that went.

Feel free to look below at our trip to the Island.  It was the kids and David's first time there, but we took this trip 11 years ago with 22 people from my Mom's side.... before the grandkids started marrying and having littles.   With every trip, there are always ups and downs, especially traveling with children, but this was a fantastic experience and we were treated like royalty by my grandparents. 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wacky Williams : Invisible Cadence

What a cutie.  She can be such a rough tough, little tom-boy, but it's heart melting when I look at her and see that pretty little girl growing up.    Cadence helped me out with this photo, and I had something else in mind to do, but ended with this shot for the win.  Maybe someday, I'll find a way to work in my other idea too :)  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wacky Williams : Wrapped in God's Word

As we end a year of BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), David and I notice that without the accountability in our study groups, it's sometimes hard to stay 'in the Bible.'  What we've noticed though about ourselves, is that with each day we don't open this wonderful manual for the Human race, is that we find ourselves drifted.  Drifted from love, from compassion, from God.   Every day that we manage to spend some time with God, we feel his guidance, and his security.  

With our nation picking up the same re-occuring sinful tendencies of the nations in the Bible, we want to draw closer to God's promise of making it all PERFECT in his design once more.  I was reading in Hosea recently, and realized that Israel isn't any different then America.... Take into account a few years difference, and we see that the people wanted things their way then, and now.  People ignored God then, and now.  And God's anger isn't something we can escape if we aren't on his team.  Everyone loves a God of Love.... Love that pushes our bad deeds under the rug.  And He is!  He LOVES like no other.  But as strong as his love is for those who LOVE Him, so is His anger against those who don't.   We all are given the same choice.  We are all drowning in our wrongs.  God's in the lifeboat with his hand stretched towards us, and any and ALL that grab his hand will feel the embrace of his Love and be pulled out of the terrifying messes we get ourselves in.  We can experience His perfect plan.  Only those who choose not to reach out for His hand, will invite His wrath.

My prayer for my trio of littles, is that they grow reaching for God's hand, and once they are in the boat, they chat it up with their Heavenly Father like old friends.  

This image was made to remind myself that WE ARE HELD IN THE LOVING ARMS OF OUR SAVIOR.  Figuratively now, but physically soon. 

(Plus, I was excited to learn 'displacement maps' in Photoshop! :) 

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jason & Angel : 5.7.16

What a fun wedding day Jason & Angel had!  First off, GREAT weather.... Second, it was kid friendly and casual, which was great, because they were daring and invited my trio of trouble :)   All of their kids were part of the wedding, and they customized the wedding to fit desires from each of the individual children!  Angel and her 3 kids, joined Jason and his 4 kids, for the ultimate Brady Bunch Family gathering.  They found a beautiful (slightly hidden) event center, that I've passed a hundred times and never knew about it!  They chose 'A Cut Above' Event center near Holland/Saugatuck, MI.   It was a great little venue!  Enjoy a few teasers from Jason & Angel's big day!!!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Seniors 2017

Hey Seniors!  It's that time!   Book your senior photos for this summer now and get a discount!  Discounts available on all Full Senior sessions.

Book a session shot in June and receive a 
FREE spiral bound 4x6 proof book of all final images.  ($85 Value)

Book a session shot in July and receive a FREE
Image Cube!  ($150 Value)

Book a session shot in August and receive 10% off your first order.

Sessions will continue into the fall for students whose schools accept their images later

CALL : 616 546-9080
E-mail :

Full Packages can be found at :  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!