
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Blystra : Family Love

Could a family look any better!?!?  This family is full of beautiful folks, inside and out!  I've shot 2 weddings for this family and have grown up with them, and am always amazed at how they glorify God in all they do, and have raised up generations to come to do the same.   Really, most families could take a page from their book and benefit :)  It was a blessing to see them all again together for a family session.... probably their first 'real' family photoshoot outside of wedding photos or church directory photos.... :)  haha... Well, enjoy a few teasers! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wacky Williams : Self painted portraits

I bet this wasn't what you expected to see in a 'self painted portrait'.  But I thought it was Oh-so-clever.... :)  Paint that color back in kiddos.... go crazy with it :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Keath Family : Maternity session

Yay!  This family will be adding a son to their family this fall!  After 3 darling girls, they are adding some blue to their family colors.  As a farming family, it's only proper to announce this with a tractor.... (I've seen their real tractors, and they are like on steroids.... with tires taller then me)  
They made the long drive on a very HOT day here in West Michigan, so we had to have some fun at the end, playing in the river.  Enjoy a few teasers of the Keath Family Maternity session!  I can't wait to meet that little guy this September! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Logan : Zeeland 2017

Logan is a great kid!  We are lucky to have him in our area.  He LOVES basketball, and teaches kids how to play at summer camps.  He's from a great family and enjoys boating, making his Senior session a beach session by default :)  He's got a killer smile, (when I could sneak one out of him) :)   Enjoy a few shots of Logan!  This kid is going big places after High School! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wacky Williams : Skydivers

I shot this, showed my hubby, and he made the hilarious point that, I just let my kids jump from an airplane.... WITHOUT PARACHUTES ON!!!!!  LOL  Yes.... oops.  But it was too cute not to share!  The farm under them is where I grew up, and we had flown over it to get photos, so why not merge my falling children with Nana and Papa's house?  Right, it's totally normal. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wacky Williams : Above it all

Finally, the sun is back!  The longer days, the warm air, all the birds and flowers... Although I struggle through winters, I know it makes me more thankful and really look forward to the next season.  This was the last beach visit we had made last fall.... the warmest fall I can remember.  The kids climbed the highest, toughest dune at Laketown Beach just in the nick of time.  We got to the top just in time to see the sun close it's eyes for the day.  The view was spectacular, and the peaceful wind and silence was breath-taking.  Dave was nervous having them up so high, but I love their excitement and curiosity for whats around them.  They love to explore (beyond their limits) and discover, collect and play.  Oh, Lake Michigan, I hope to see you more this summer. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Ellery : 6 months

Ellery and her sister Olivia are rocking their sessions lately!   This pair of adorable dressed kiddos were full of smiles and personality.  Little miss Ellery is 6 months already, and really turning into her own little person!  It's always fun to watch children grow!  Enjoy a few teasers of Ellery! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wacky Williams : Bedtime Sucks sometimes

"Bedtime routines" and "Cooperation" are two words that hate each other.  Our kiddos, (Mostly Zeke) could have a great day and all is fun, and then..... we mention 'bedtime.'  This kid FALLS APART!  He gets a stubborn bad attitude, and makes each step of the process just torture for us and the other two kiddos. Lex will even start to encourage him, reminding him of the previous evening and how it ended, and try to help him cooperate a little.   Sometimes it's just being too obnoxiously goofy and inappropriate, and other times it's potty talk, and hateful words.... sometimes it's screaming just to make a statement.   So, to document our struggles, and 'cherish' his youth forever, I thought a photo to make us remember that the good the bad and the ugly don't change how much we love this big guy and know that one day we will look back and realize that it really wasn't so bad :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Brian & Erika : Engaged

I can't wait for September 30!  This couple's wedding will be something BEAUTIFUL!!!!   I love talking over the wedding details to get an idea of what it will look like!  After a few cancelled engagement sessions, we finally got theirs shot and done!  And go figure... the day we scheduled to finally shoot it, IT WAS ERIKA'S BIRTHDAY!  They are naturals in front of the camera and I'm gonna have some fun capturing their big day!  :) Thanks guys!  Enjoy your teasers! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!