
Friday, October 28, 2016


My kids are growing up so much!  Ages this year are : 

Zeke 8  1/2 - 2nd Grade
Lex 6 1/2 -1st Grade
Cade 5 in 2 weeks! -Homeschool Kindergarten/Preschool

We thought we'd hit peak color at the Outdoor Center, but missed it by about a week, or maybe 2...  We still had a great time doing some family photos.  It's always a tough time doing your own photos.... The remote control, the lights, the cameras, the crazies!  But, by a Christmas Miracle, we ended with a satisfactory session, and 3 still happy kids.  Zeke really matured... just for the session, because candy rewards were on the line.  We got a few Wacky Williams shots out of the way, and got a few necessary updated family photos, and some in between.  Enjoy! 
 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Brummitt Family

This great looking family is part of my extended family.... like, my grandpa's sister's daughter's kids.... that kinda thing. :)  This is a family I haven't seen in years!  When I was much younger, I can remember a camping adventure with the Brummitts, with many hilarious memories... things I have to worry about telling my kids, 'You should NEVER do'.... like driving around the campground in Grandpa's car... (I think we were around 12 years old) and a water fight, in the dark, tripping over picnic tables and running into trees....  oh yeah, and putting a snickers bar at the bottom of the pool because the owner was rudely paranoid about babies making a mess in his pool.  Yeah... We were once young :)  Well, that's probably enough info to convict me, so I'll end there. LOL!  Enjoy a few teasers of the Brummitt family!  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wacky Williams : Paint Wars

This summer I had this fun idea, of a family paint war.... and knowing that I couldn't participate AND photograph, I had to trust another photography to take them!  Luckily, I found an awesome photographer from Ohio who drove up to do the session.... LOL!  Just kidding!  Becca Byrd, of Little Byrd Photography was vacationing in Michigan with her family in July and agreed to stop by to photograph the idea.  We met them on Instagram about 2 years ago, and actually decided to meet.... Each of us a little skeptical about arranging a meeting with a random stranger on Instagram, our families became INSTA-Friends!  ha ha... I'm so funny.  Our family has come to Love the Byrd's and have both stopped by to see each other if we are ever traveling through the other's state.   Thank you to Micah and Becca for photographing this paint war!  IT WAS AWESOME!!!!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Calvary Sports posters!

Although we are well into the sports seasons, this is my first go at the sports photography for this school year.   We conquered Boys Soccer, Cross country, and Girls Varsity and JV Volleyball and a few Junior High school sports teams all in the same session.  I try to get a vision for a poster that is made up of 30+ photos/layers/blends and overlays, then 

I'm super excited to get to go to Ben Shirk's sports Creatography class in Iowa next month.  He is an award winning photography Nationally, and Globally, and I'm sure I'll learn loads from him.  He was one of the photographers that has inspired me to try new photography techniques and bring it to a whole new level. 

 I'm proud to present some of my newest posters for our kid's small Christian School.   Enjoy!  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ella : Dutch

Ella and Dutch have come SOOOOO far in just 1 short year!  They compete in Dressage, and Dutch is new to the States, but after the adjusting to things here, he has progressed with his training exponentially!  Watch out to the Show Ring in 2017... make room for these champions!  
This girl and her horse could model for any Equine magazine! I mean, just look at them!  Enjoy a few Teasers!!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Casey & Jillyssa : Engagement

Casey and Jillyssa are getting married!  A few years back, I was photographing Jillyssa's senior photos, then her brother's wedding, and now she's hit the proposal spotlight! 

 Michigan was kind enough to give me another beautiful fall session :)  Starting at the Felt Mansion, the sunlight was perfect golden, magical-romantic light!  Then, because the color is in PEAK at the outdoor center, we hurried over there for some beauty!  The mosquitos haven't quite retired for the season there yet, but the color is magnificent!  I was fortunate to hear all about the fun proposal and secrets and surprises to pull it off!  Their engagement and wedding are almost exactly one year apart, so next October, I'll get to see them all fancied up for one of the best days of their lives!  Congrats guys!  Enjoy some teasers!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Van Dam : Family

This family totally rocks!  I've gotten to know them since they adopted their little Tiza a few years ago, and she is just a bundle of spunk!  We squeezed in a mini session for their holiday cards, and it's so much fun to direct a family of older kids.... they actually do what I ask... WHEN I ASK IT!  LOL... (Can you tell I've been working with a lot of small children lately?)  Enjoy a few teasers of the Van Dam Family! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wacky Williams : Ironic Joy

I saw this on Pinterest and Loved the idea, but I found quickly.... get them angry and literally can't get them to let you photograph them.... ask them to act like they are upset, and you get a bunch of lousy actor children who can't fake it.  LOL!  It was funny though! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Tubergan : Family Love

Check out this group!  Yes, 6 children cooperating at the same time! **sigh**  It was a good day :)  The Tubergan family has been the highlight of this blog many times, but now they bring extended family.  What a cool gift to give their parents this year... The memories of their family frozen in time... because we all know, time is flying, and those grand babies are going to be teenagers in no time.  We met at the Felt Mansion for some photos on a Sunday afternoon, and the light was beautiful!  I just love that backlit rim light carving out every person.... Yes, I'm a photography NERD like the worst of them.  Enjoy a few teasers! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!