
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wacky Williams : Ice Fishing

We've never actually been Ice Fishing.... I don't very much like the cold, but 2 of my kids LOVE winter, so this post is for them :)  I'm not exactly sure how to label this style of photography.... if you have any ideas, please let me know...  I was thinking '3D' Photography.... ?  It's not a true HDR image, but holds a few HDR qualities.... Otherwise, it's very 'commercial-like' and could be part of a 'Commercialized Wacky Williams Series'...  

I shot the ice photo Christmas Day at my Grandparents house on Lake Macatawa.  In the background, you can see part of Kollen Park and the Heinz Pickle factory.  The kids all got their new gloves and hats for Christmas, and were excited to try them out for this shoot... even if it was actually shot in my warm studio.   
 This photo is a collaboration of 5 photos and many photoshop layers and brushes :)  Enjoy my Wacky Family! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

WACKY WILLIAMS : Letters to Santa

Letters to Santa 
This image was shot with the camera on a timer inside our mailbox.  If I did it again, I'd find a way to level out the camera better, or use a wider lens so I could crop in.   This was shot with a 35mm f1.4 nikon lens on a D3S camera body... which barely fit inside our tiny mailbox.   With a 10 second timer, I got about 3 shots before the kids lost interest, and it was too dangerous to keep them near the road.  I did a before and after of the image, so you can see some of the fun of photoshop enhancements.  This one has some dodging and burning, a changed background and the sunny haze added.  


After . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wacky Williams : The Lord of Christmas!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
 from your friends at 
Awakened Images Photography!

Enjoy our Epic Christmas card!  We had some fun making this card.  It's a 'Twilight/Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter" look, with a Lord of the Rings theme.  Although we love the dramatic twist to a good Christmas card, our hearts are only admiring the Christ Child during the Christmas season.  The Lord of Christmas, the Christ, will always be the reason for the season.  So as you Hustle around for those last minute presents, let God soften your hearts to accepting the best gift EVER!  It was given by God, and was a way for us to join him in eternity, through the sacrifice of Jesus. 

 I love thinking about what heaven must have looked like as Jesus left Heaven for his Earthly experience... did they commission him away at the time of the Holy Spirit's conception with Mary, or did he leave heaven at his birth in that lowly stable/cave in Bethlehem? 
 Did the angels send him away, throwing a great party, or was it a time of sadness, as they knew the rejection Jesus was to receive from his beloved children on this earth?

I love "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 NIV.   
God didn't send us the opportunity to enter heaven because we were becoming good people... he didn't ask us to clean up our acts so he could give us a cool gift....  
He sent it to us, while we were cursing him, spitting in his face, and choosing our own lifestyles.   We didn't deserve it, and yet, he gives... and gives.   

Enjoy our family Christmas card!
 Merry Christmas!!!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

DeVisser Family Christmas Card 2016

My Family put up a vintage windmill this year at their country home.  Naturally, it had to make their Christmas card :)  We decided that their family should make an appearance too, so we collaborated their Windmill and family to get this fun idea for their card.... If their family grows much more, they will need a bigger windmill! LOL!  Enjoy!  Merry Christmas from the De Vissers! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Aaron : 5

I've been photographing Aaron every year at his birthday since his birth, and this year, he's 5!  Wow, does time fly!  He's such a well behaved little guy, I just love him to pieces!  We landed a wonderful snowy day for his photos this year... previously, he has had the luck of warmer sunny days without snow, but I guess our luck changed.... still for good pictures, but bad for driving!  He's been such a joy to have each year, and truly a session I've looked forward to every time.  Enjoy a few Teasers of Aaron! 
 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wacky Williams : Half Man, Half Artist, Completely Amazing . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wacky Williams : Doodles

For those of you who knew me as a young adult, or even more as a teenager, you knew I LOVED art.... drawing, doodling, painting.... anything that involved pencils and a sketch pad.  I even started my first (unofficial) business, called "Outside the Lines" where I'd travel and paint large wall murals at the age of 14-17.  Well, I could always be found doodling on my school work, during church, or just in my room with music playing.  I wanted to make a collaboration of my 'old love' of art, with my new love of art in Photography and Photoshop.  I NEVER dreamed of being a photographer during my youth.  I don't even know when the passion for photography was born in me.  I hated computer art.  I seriously thought it was inferior to Hand drawn art.  Obviously, that has changed in my attitude as I learn all the challenges and possibilities that photo manipulation has.  This was a fun practice shot at combining my old and new loves in the field of ART!  Enjoy!

Wacky Williams : Tender Heart

I love these two and their relationship.  They are perfect opposites.  Lex is sweet and thoughtful and kind.  He wants good for everyone.  He adores his family, and is grateful for even the little things.  Cadence,.... well, polar opposites...  But I believe that Lex is making Cadence a better person with his unconditional love and kindness... and patience.   He didn't want to 'kiss her on camera' but he bashfully held the mistletoe for the shot.  To my Lexo.... You have a wonderful heart!  Don't ever forget that.  Even when it's not a popular attribute, you are a tender heart and someday, a wonderful girl will capture your love.  I know you will treat anyone you meet with the kindness of Jesus, since he's captured your heart at such a young age. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Haven : ONE

Haven is ONE!!!!!  She looks so much like her mama!  Haven is a happy, daddy-loving little princess.  The third kiddo for the Tubergan's that's come through my studio with a 'Forget-me-not' package to watch her grow.  It was a super fun session, and I can't wait to see all the changes she makes by next year for her 2 year old session!  Enjoy a few teasers of Haven!

Baumann : Family Love

The Baumann Family took me to a new spot near Hemlock Crossing park for an update to their family photos.  Their 4 beautiful children were a blast and we had fun on our chats from location to location.  I'm always excited to meet more families from our children's school community... I'm always encouraged we chose a great school for them as I meet more and more families that I just LOVE!  Enjoy a few teasers of the Baumann family!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Rozema : Family Love

Selah is 4!  We combined her session and a family session.  The Outdoor Discovery Center was done with it's pretty leave color, but it was still a great spot to shoot.  We made a sunset shoot, which is crazy to realize that was at 5:00pm already.... Enjoy a few teasers of the Rozema Family!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!