
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wacky Williams : The Force

After how many years of a zero interest, we broke down and watched the first 6 star war movies in a week... with the kids.  They must have had some influence from their school friends about star wars, and came home acting as though they knew everything about the movies.  So, after 6 long evenings on Christmas break, they have had their Star Wars movication.  Of course, that now means, life is about Lightsabers and talking like Jar Jar Binks.... Mesa tinksa thisa, and thatsa.  Cadence didn't seem to notice there was a princess Leia, and only wants to be be a 'Jedi-ninja-knight'.  (So much for 'my princess'.)  I decided to make this image for them, because in their imaginations, Star Wars is real.  So, a few newborn blanket wraps, a belt and a stick/sword and a studio session later..... I'm a hero mama, and I can present to you my Jedi Knights.  

May the Force be with you. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Isabel : 1 year!

Isabel is 1 year old!  She and big sister Everlyn came to the studio for her session and after getting over some camera-shy-ness, we had a blast!  I met these sweethearts when I did Isabel's infant photos last year.  Time flys!  Enjoy a few teasers of these little cuties! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wacky Williams : Fantasy Vs. Reality pt. 2

Remember last week? Cool, huh!?  Well, enjoy the image that reveals what we ACTUALLY look like when we play with our kids! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Rath : Maternity

 Baby #3 is almost here!  This mama is baking her 3rd little boy, and while carrying her little guy, she looks amazing!  It was a snowy, blizzard day, and she wanted some snow shots, so we made it happen.... Her dress is the equivalent to a bathing suite, and it's -4 degrees with the wind for these few outdoor shots.... Yes, I think babies have made her a little crazy :)  But oh how cute they are!  Elias and Isaiah will be joined by their accomplice in trouble-making in a few weeks :)  Enjoy a few teasers of Jen's Maternity session!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Olivia : 4 Years

Little miss Olivia is 4!  Her sister was posted previously for her 1 year session, and I gotta say, this little girl has stolen a part of my heart.  She was slightly scared of me and the studio when she was really little, and now she gives me high fives, and hugs, and comes to the studio all excited and chattering away.  Plus, the curls won me over early on.  She's just so 'Shirley Temple' cute!  Enjoy a few teasers of Olivia!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Ellery : 1 Year!

Ellery turned 1 this past fall, and she and her sister filled my studio with smiles! What a gem!  Watching these sisters grow has been such a joy!  I've had both of them since infants, and it's so fun to see the similarities and differences between them!  Enjoy a few teasers of Ellery!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wacky Williams : Fantasy Vs. Reality Pt 1.

Do you ever have these cool visions in your head of what to expect?

Maybe Christmas morning... you see a warm house, with happy children, and excitement throughout the day?  Then what you get is crying kids, a house full of wrapping paper, cardboard boxes and little unwanted gifts laying around unplayed with?

So, this post is for all of you who need a laugh and a little suspense/anticipation. We wanted to show you how we think we look when we play with our kids....because, we are the coolest parents, right?!  Well, maybe in our minds sometimes.   Enjoy the 'Fantasy vision, and the reality of 'cool' parents playing with their kiddos!  Stay tuned for next week's Wacky Williams post, to see what we ACTUALLY look like when playing with the kids :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Wacky Williams : Happy Birthday Zeke!

Oh My.... I've almost been a mom for a decade....!!!! Somebody pinch me!   My strong willed, stubborn, first born is 9!  It's been a tough 9 years!   From a colicky, loud screaming baby, to a stubborn, loud screaming 9 year old....  But, he's strengthened my capacity for patience, love and gentleness!  I LOVE being this boy's mama!  I LOVE watching him discover.  I LOVE watching him invent, build, and draw.  I LOVE his questions about his heavenly Father.  I LOVE his obsessions in each new thing he learns.  I LOVE his passion.   Can you believe I'm halfway done with parenting this guy!?!?  There's so much to do!  So much to teach, instill, love on, and provide for yet.  As we get into those Tween years, and he eats us out of house and home, we are starting a savings just for food.... lol!  Enjoy the personality expressions of our Zeke! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wacky Williams : Papa's Race track

My dad is 'Papa' to our kids.  And let me tell you, Papa, is royalty to them.   For example, we got our kids an iPod for christmas.... each... their own.... 5th generation.... yeah, pretty cool for an 8, 6, and 5 year old.  Well, that cool present means nothing to them, if papa has some cool old junk laying around to give them... And I really mean junk.... ends of cut pipes, old wires, solder drops, nuts and bolts that rusted together.... junk.  And they call it 'Junk', but to them, 'junk' actually means, 'papa's treasures'.

This race track comes out at Christmas, and the 'boys' (papa, Zeke and Lex) go tinker with the race track over and over to make the best course and then race it over and over and over until we have to pry them all away from it.  I decided to have a little fun with it and make a fun photo for papa and Zeke.... They are a seriously competitive duo.

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Wacky Williams : Happy New Year!!! 2017

Happy New Year!!!!!  And cheers to another year of Wacky Williams! 

Watch our family growing up in 2017 every Wednesday with our Wacky Williams Wednesday series! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!