
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wacky Williams : Umbrella Boats

I am Love, Love, LOVING photography with photoshop to help me make something UBER-COOL!    I saw something that inspired this idea awhile back, and totally had to get my trio to help me out.  They are such troopers.  My little models have now demanded an increase in their wages from a sucker to .50 cents per set, so I now have some professional models in the making! Silly kiddos.  This is Lake Michigan and a few relaxing boaters being resourceful :)  Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Living Hope Singers : Showcase

Holland Christian's Living Hope Singers have an AMAZING performance planned for Friday and Saturday night's shows!   These kids.... seriously.... a backflip on stage, rap, hymns, choreographed dances, hilarious MC fill, and students praising God with their talents..... Don't miss it!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wacky Williams : A Child's Imagination

I'm super excited to be invited to become certified by Josh Rossi, to be referred to by him when extra work comes his way.... This is one of my pieces I was challenged to create using my own pictures with his backgrounds and photoshop assets.   I used his mountains, sky and dirt/rocks, and my kids and found some Mario Kart icons online to help me out... I just love this trio :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Wacky Williams : Happy Birthday Lex!

My tender heart child is 7!!!!  What a joy this kiddo brings.  He is a peacemaker, kind hearted boy who cares genuinely for others.  He's got a lot of personality, and his laugh makes us all laugh.  He started losing teeth, reads, is in 1st grade.... His best friend also bears the last name 'Williams' though not related, he has a serious sweet tooth addiction, and he loves LEGOS!  We love this birthday boy to the moon and back! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wacky Williams : Lex self Portrait

With loads of great ideas to try for my Wacky Williams series, I had seen these double exposures done before, and wanted to try them.  It took a while to figure out (it's actually really easy... I can say now) but I loved everything there was to look at in it.  This is Lex at 6 years old.  2 photos.  His face portrait and his hands held up. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wacky Williams : Stolen Diamonds

Who stole those Diamonds?  My crazy trio! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Lucas : Miracle

Lucas is PERFECT!  This little boy is the 3rd for a family I've gotten to know over the years with the birth of each of their boys.  Eli and Isaiah welcome Lucas with open arms and lots of love!   I just love how their parents wanted a sport incorporated for each kiddo's newborn session.   What a special thing to look back at as they grow up.  Enjoy a few teasers of this beautiful new miracle! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Snow fun

For a Michigan Winter, this one's been pretty kind to us.... We had a few cold spells and a few snow storms but nothing compared to years past.  In fact, I sadly realized, I never took my kids sledding or skiing this year.... something I had promised.  As I was looking through some older files, I found these from our last short snow in January.  It was a silent, beautiful snow fall, with no wind.  I wanted to practice a few shots in the snow with my flashes not being blown over, so it was the perfect chance.  We all pulled away from Sunday evening barn chores for a quick photo and had some fun with it :)  . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!