
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Craig & Melissa : Wedding

It rained for most of the day on Saturday, April 25th, but Craig & Melissa still had a blast on their wedding day! They chose a gorgeous little chapel, and inside shots turned out as good as outdoor shots could have gone! Craig & Melissa are an awesome, perfect couple! Here are a few teasers of their wedding day to keep you wanting more :)

Thanks to the Smooch Beauty Boutique for the make-up art, and to Indigo Floral for the awesome flower arrangements!

The wedding was held at Mulder Chapel, and Macatawa Legends provided a great reception! . David & Cara Williams .

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Noah : 4 months

This is Alison's first little boy! Noah was born a day late of Christmas, and is a growing cutie! His little smile is the biggest sunshine. I was able to photograph their 4 generation photo with my grandma-great, great aunt, Alison, and Noah. This little guy is just about 4 months old now, and is trying so hard to be a big strong man. He's attempting to sit up, and hold himself up on his hands already! Here is a quick teaser! Look back for more in the near future! . David & Cara Williams .

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Van Rees : Family

We were given another awesome privaledge to do a family photo shoot for some friends from our church today. They were great! So much spunk and willingness! All three kids had spent the night before with friends, and the Van Rees had to gather all their children early this morning for the shoot! They met us at Cenntenial Park and we played around with the brick city side walks and park benches. Thanks guys! . David & Cara Williams .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cara Williams : Birthday surprize

For all you blog watchers, I celebrated my 26th Birthday on April 15th. My husband surprised me with the wonderful gift of time. He took time off work... valuable time, and stayed home until 11:00am to make me a cake, and help take care of Zeke! He may have taken time off all day if he didn't have meetings lined up all afternoon :) He's the most wonderful, supportive, sensitive husband in the world!!!! Here's the few pictures I had from the day. I had to take them all, so I'm not in any of them. :) I'm OK with that :) . David & Cara Williams .

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Westra : Family

Lately David and I have been feeling very discouraged in our family photography style and posing, so we decided to ask families from our church to bare with us, and let us take their family photos. We are giving them each 1 hour, and ask for a very casual, normal outdoor setting, so we can experiment with how we want to develop OUR style. We want a posed candid, or a casual formal for our style, with photo journalistic qualities. First up is the Westra family with their 3 beautiful children. It was fun seeing a family interact with a child about the same age as our son Ezekiel. There was lots of running, catching, and re-posing! :) We asked for realistic settings, and that's what they were able to give us :) Here are some fun teasers while I finish with the rest of them. Thanks guys! You did great! . David & Cara Williams .

Curtis & Samantha : Engagement

Meet Curtis & Samantha, soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Meyer! We are super excited for their wedding this August! They chose to take us to the Hamilton bridge (Trestle Bridge) for their engagemet photos. After some shots around there, we followed them to her house to get photos on a hundred year old farm. It was great, and they were both troopers! We will be using their photos for their wedding invitations, so you should look forward to seeing more of them! Thanks a ton you guys! You both were excellent to work with, and can't wait to shoot your big day!!!!
Check out our website for more very soon! . David & Cara Williams .

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday!

We had a GREAT Easter Sunday!!!! First, we went to the Easter Breakfast at 14th Street CRC where we are members. My dad organizes an awesome breakfast, and many volunteers help cook, including Chefs and managers from area restaurants. 30 dozen eggs, Dozens and dozens on bagels, donuts, cinnamon rolls, and sausage serve our congregation plus their friends.

At 9:30am

From there, we had to be at Ridge Point Community Church to shoot for their website. We stayed for 2 services to get shots of greeters greeting, servers serving, and worshipers worshiping. There was an amazing Drum cadence lead by Moses, and an amazing turnout! It was so full, we were placed in the old auditorium, (now "the center") for a video venue.

At 1:00pm

Grandma and Grandpa's for lunch and Easter egg hunt. It was kinda a birthday party for a few cousins with April birthdays, as well as my own. However, Zeke was getting tired and cranky so we left before the cake was cut.

At 4:15pm

I arrived at Harderwyk Church to join the full Orchestra playing my violin for their Easter vesper service.

At 7:30pm

I came home to find my little man had taken a boomer and cut his chin open.... again.

At 10:30pm

I rolled into bed to reminisce on the great Easter Sunday, and why we all celebrate. The blessings of life Jesus gave to us are overwhelming! We now can enter heaven by believing in and looking up to the cross. He has conquered death!!!!!!!! . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Brittany : Senior or Model?

Brittany was totally fun and completely natural in front of our two intimidating cameras and equipment. She knew all the poses, and wanted a not so traditional session. Can we say supermodel?! Totally! It was awesome! We found Brittany to be a spirited, yet down to earth girl with LOADS of personality! We will be doing Brittany's sisters wedding this summer, and can't wait! If this is a glimpse into her family, we'll have the best time ever! :) Thanks so much Brittany!! . David & Cara Williams .