
Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday!

We had a GREAT Easter Sunday!!!! First, we went to the Easter Breakfast at 14th Street CRC where we are members. My dad organizes an awesome breakfast, and many volunteers help cook, including Chefs and managers from area restaurants. 30 dozen eggs, Dozens and dozens on bagels, donuts, cinnamon rolls, and sausage serve our congregation plus their friends.

At 9:30am

From there, we had to be at Ridge Point Community Church to shoot for their website. We stayed for 2 services to get shots of greeters greeting, servers serving, and worshipers worshiping. There was an amazing Drum cadence lead by Moses, and an amazing turnout! It was so full, we were placed in the old auditorium, (now "the center") for a video venue.

At 1:00pm

Grandma and Grandpa's for lunch and Easter egg hunt. It was kinda a birthday party for a few cousins with April birthdays, as well as my own. However, Zeke was getting tired and cranky so we left before the cake was cut.

At 4:15pm

I arrived at Harderwyk Church to join the full Orchestra playing my violin for their Easter vesper service.

At 7:30pm

I came home to find my little man had taken a boomer and cut his chin open.... again.

At 10:30pm

I rolled into bed to reminisce on the great Easter Sunday, and why we all celebrate. The blessings of life Jesus gave to us are overwhelming! We now can enter heaven by believing in and looking up to the cross. He has conquered death!!!!!!!! . David & Cara Williams .