
Monday, February 15, 2010

Photography as an Art

The appreciation for Art is ALWAYS opinion based. Yes, there are factors into art making it appealing or disapproving, and there can be rules to follow to make art fall more generally into the appealing catagory. Art is also an emotion. Fine Art should stir up some type of emotional response to effectively be called Fine Art. In photography, art isn't necessarily made, it is found, and froze.

Today, 2010, there are millions of photographer's worldwide, who claim to be 'professional photographers'. They claim to be make fine art. Can they all be claiming truthfully? I believe yes, they can. Because art is an opinion by the on-looker, each may be affected by a photographer in a different way. Each photographer relays a style, which emotionally can affect some, but not others. We fall into this category along with the rest. Although we do the best we can with our God given talent, we fall short in the opinions of some, while emotionally dazzle others.

My reason for this post, is mostly to claim that although many photographer's claim to be professional, your emotional response will not be generated by them all. As a business, David and I have struggled seeing some call themselves professionals and 'lowering' the standards for photography. But I see now, that we are wrong to struggle with this. As we had to begin somewhere, so do all photographers. Without the chances you, our clients and friends, have given us, we could not be using our gifts for our community, as our gifts would have never had the chance to develop.

This may be the pregnancy emotions moving me to write something of belief and meaning, or maybe a call from God, as I don't usually write just a blog post. And since a blog post just isn't what it is without a photo, I thought I'd show one from the most recent shoot, (the daddy daughter dance) that we 'found', 'froze', and now have turned into OUR OPINION of Fine Art. Thanks for reading. God bless! . David & Cara Williams .