
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

4 Years!

David and I celebrated 4 years of marriage August 26! I can't believe how fast the time is passing! 2 boys and 2 businesses later... here we are! David surprized me with a picnic dinner at Kollen Park, and he took care of the food, gift and child care so we could have about 2 hours to 'date' again. It was so romantic, and it's great to see that those racing heartbeats, and stomach butterflies can still happen when I'm around David. He's really completed me. It can be so cliche to say that, but I honestly know that it is soooo true! I thought I'd post about our anniversary before we get too caught up in life again. God has really blessed our family and our business these last 4 years, and that's about all that can be said for that! Since blogging for me has to contain an image, here is a photo of my boys and a few of the gift David gave me at the park on our picnic dinner :) My beautiful dudes...
first solids.... somewhat successfully.
happy about carrots. . David & Cara Williams .