
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween : Leisure

On a last minute decision, we took the boys trick-or-treating in Zeeland. Zeke wore his cowboy outfit from last year (yes, it's too small) and Lex was a pumpkin but no one could tell from the carseat :) Zeke learned how to say 'trick-or-treat' after about 4 houses, and we stopped after about 10 :) It was fun, but chaotic. We worked on the house all day, then came home and rushed around to get the boys ready.... thank goodness we are home and the boys are all tuckered out. They should sleep tonight... (I say sleep, and not sleep-good for a reason... sleep has not been happening at our house lately). I can finally get some work done on processing all the engagement shoots I'm behind on! :) Have a great weekend! . David & Cara Williams .