
Monday, November 29, 2010

Bonzelaar : Family

Here's a beautiful family! The Bonzelaar family got together for Thanksgiving this year, and by special request, we were asked to photograph the family. We knew this would not be our style, and shooting inside someone else's house was a little different for us, but Mr. Bonzelaar is a good friend of my dad's and gave my dad a call the other day. He told my dad that he had a problem.... my dad asked him how he can help. Mr. Bonzelaar said there was nothing my dad could help with. He was found to have a cancer tumor on his brain and his time would be short here. He asked my dad to see if we could supply his family with a couple family images. Of course we could!!!!! Mr. Bonzelaar is in good spirits and no pain, so that is a blessing. Enjoy a few images from his beautiful growing family :) . David & Cara Williams .

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trick-or-tree time!!!!

Trick-or-trees.... that's what we went to cut down.... at least, that's what Ezekiel, our son would tell you. He's working on his speech and it's come a long way in the past 6 months.... however, 'christmas' is still a tough word.... so.... instead of 'Christmas' trees... we picked out our trick-or-tree. It was a good cold time with the family.... The family tradition used to be my grandparents, 4 aunts and uncles, 8 cousins and immediate family... We've now shrunk to my mom and dad, one aunt and uncle, 2 cousins and us. Darn those fake Christmas trees!!!! Well, Ours is a REAL tree, and we won't have it any other way!!!! :) Check out the fun you miss if you are a fake tree kinda family. LOL!
Beautiful pine cones stuck to last years trees.

Jamie found his Christmas love :)
Think it has an exhaust problem? Still beat hand sawing it!
My dad had to 'test' the chainsaw.... on every dead stump around.
forgot the mittens.... made it tough to catch himself when he fell... :( . David & Cara Williams .

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Once again, we get to appreciate a day of family time and rest. There's so much to be thankful for.
Enjoy your day with family and friends!
I'm just about caught up with everything up-to-date for 2010! That's something to be thankful for!!!! . David & Cara Williams .

Thankful for biscuits :)

My little boys have had awful colds these last couple of weeks and so they've had lots of baths and meds..... I debated about whether or not to post this picture, because when they are teens, they will murder me for it :) It's just tooooo cute. I'm thankful for sooooooo much this year.
This list doesn't even touch on my 'master list' of things to give thanks for, but here are some of the big highlights this year.
A healthy baby,
a new house,
awesome progress with our photography knowledge,
a brother-in-law who joined the family,
Bible Study Fellowship and the study of Isaiah,
and for the 2 little biscuits pictured below.
They both watched the tubby fill up and were excited for their splash time.... :) Gotta love 'em. . David & Cara Williams .

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kurt & Katie : Wedding

Wow! Do I need to say more? This couple was beautifully in love! I don't think Katie even had any idea how beautiful a bride she is!!!!! Thanks guys! We had a blast at your wedding and thank you for allowing us to see the love you two share! It was tooooo hard to pick only 10 favorites.... I can't wait to show you the rest! . David & Cara Williams .

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Zeke & Lex : Leisure

We needed a photo of the boys for a Christmas card, and I couldn't find one that I liked, so we took a new one! :) Getting these images are NOT easy! 2 boys are quite the challenge! I thought this was too cute though.... . David & Cara Williams .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dehaan : Family

The Dehaan family are good friends of ours, and we got to photograph their little boy last year.... We were so excited when they told us they had just had their little girl.... I just missed the note that she was pregnant!!! :) Here are some photos for their little girl's baptism. Their little guy had fun with Ezekiel... :) . David & Cara Williams .

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My dad took me up in his plane Saturday afternoon to get some pictures of our new house/farm! It was a beautiful day for flying and so I had to post a couple pictures from the experience! The first 3 are of my dad's plane.... A small prop plane.

This is flying over Ridge Point community church. It's the church we are now members at, and we will get to celebrate the baptizm of Lex there in 2 weeks!
Our new Farm!!!! The house and 4 buildings are ours. We also are putting in a horse pasture fence and if you look closely you can see the posts in the ground around the perimeter of our property! We are super excited and can't wait to move in!!!! . David & Cara Williams .

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Justin & Kendra : Engagement

Kendra and Justin were great! We met for their engagement session on the friday before halloween, and it was a beautiful day, but a bit chilly. They invited us to Spring Grove Park in Jamestown, MI. It was awesome! Leaves everywhere, waterfalls, sweet landscaping, tall trees, and the bathhouse was still open for the season-- ending that day :) We found that we had a real common conversation starter--we are both in the process of building/remodeling a home..... They are doing most of it themselves and we can totally relate to the never ending process of construction! LOL! Here are the long awaited teasers!!!! Enjoy! . David & Cara Williams .

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jude : Miracle

This little 8 day old cutie is Jude. He slept like a baby! :) Jude was the last free session that I could give out while we are in this house!!! The next one will be in the new home!!! .... probably just in my living room, since we won't have a studio right away :'( But, since it was too cold to use our 'studio' at the current house for Jude, he got to use the living room. I guess that was my practice run for using our new house! :) Enjoy these teasers for little Jude! . David & Cara Williams .

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rozema : Family

I haven't seen this whole family fo 7 years! I went to Jeff and Becky's wedding 7 years ago and met the whole family.... Now, I got to see how much they grew! Married, kids, new jobs and new trucks!!!! It's amazing what can change over 7 years! Thanks guys! Enjoy a couple teasers while I work on getting the rest online :)
The grandkiddos

The youngest of the gang at about 10 months old.
A mix-and-match of the whole family :)