
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trick-or-tree time!!!!

Trick-or-trees.... that's what we went to cut down.... at least, that's what Ezekiel, our son would tell you. He's working on his speech and it's come a long way in the past 6 months.... however, 'christmas' is still a tough word.... so.... instead of 'Christmas' trees... we picked out our trick-or-tree. It was a good cold time with the family.... The family tradition used to be my grandparents, 4 aunts and uncles, 8 cousins and immediate family... We've now shrunk to my mom and dad, one aunt and uncle, 2 cousins and us. Darn those fake Christmas trees!!!! Well, Ours is a REAL tree, and we won't have it any other way!!!! :) Check out the fun you miss if you are a fake tree kinda family. LOL!
Beautiful pine cones stuck to last years trees.

Jamie found his Christmas love :)
Think it has an exhaust problem? Still beat hand sawing it!
My dad had to 'test' the chainsaw.... on every dead stump around.
forgot the mittens.... made it tough to catch himself when he fell... :( . David & Cara Williams .