
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Beautiful Glow

I LOVE the holidays!!!! I love the traditions, the smells, the food.... my family has always been together for the holidays, and now that I'm married and raising my own family, it's something I've really come to appreciate: Being together. We rarely all get along, but just playing games and watching movies together are some of the best memories. Each year, I almost get depressed since my expectations are so high. This year, hardly anyone went to get real Christmas trees, and that was a bummer, and then the decorating of the tree shrunk down to just Zeke, me and my mom :(. I hope I can start some fun traditions for my boys since we are all growing up and starting our own traditions outside the family. I just love the dark room with a tree lit up. It gives the most beautiful glow!

Our family, lit by the tree lights!

Little Lex, taking it all in...His first Christmas! My mom snapped this one....It's no contest winner, but its one of my favorites!!!! . David & Cara Williams .