
Friday, April 15, 2011

Another Year to Celebrate

I woke up this morning, hearing the winds rip around the house... a beautiful golden light was peeking through my window, and birds were chirping in the large tree just outside. The texts are already flooding in with birthday wishes, and I hear Lex is stirring in his crib... It's 7:00am. Time to get up. I check the texts, which consist of all my family members, hoping to be the first to wish me a happy birthday. I smile and go peek into Lex's room to make sure he's really awake. (Why wouldn't he be, it's 7:00am... he actually slept in...) He's standing in his crib, watching the door for any movement. I get him out with a kiss and quietly head downstairs for his morning bottle. On the counter, still cluttered with all the rush of getting home late the night before, I find a beautiful note, left by my husband....

....And I get to enjoy a beautiful cake that Zeke helped make while my mom, Nana, watched them while I worked. He picked out the chocolate cake, purple frosting, and a mountain of sprinkles, on one small area of the cake...I guess he ate most of them, and spread what was left by pouring them out... He's great at spoiling surprizes already. I got home and he says to me in a whisper while covering his mouth so no one else can hear him... 'MOMMY! Zeke has a special surprize for you! A Happy day cake!' gotta love 'em.

I wanted to get a picture of the cake, but when I got it home, realized that Zeke had dropped his basket ball on the top while in his car seat, and most of the top peeled off with the tinfoil :) Zeke was happy to clean off the frosting coated tinfoil, while I eat the chocolate cake :) Fair enough. Here is a corner that was less affected by the ball tragedy. . David & Cara Williams .