
Monday, May 23, 2011

Jason & Jennifer : Engaged

Jason & Jenn found us through a client, of a client of a friend whose wedding we did in 2009!

We were watching the weather all day, because there was a really good chance of rain exactly at the time of their session... We were lucky to miss the rain, and were given the very rare, and super cool opportunity to shoot through a chilling, dense fog! It was sunny everywhere except at the beach where the fog rolled in off the lake, and dropped the temp over 20 degrees on the Holland State Park Beach.

We still had loads of fun, freezing our butts off, and putting this couple through all the walking, random stops, and mind changes David and I often do during any of our sessions! Here's a couple of our favorites, with many more to view in a few days ;)

Thanks guys! Enjoy your teasers!