
Sunday, May 13, 2012


My kids are MY LIFE, and with so much time with them, makes for great photo opportunities :)  I had intended for Zeke to let me use him as a model to practice some settings with our cameras, and Lex jumped in to steal the show....  They are getting to be a blast!  Those two boys play together and Zeke teaches Lex how to do the things he can do already, like put on shoes, use the potty, or 'swim' in the tub....   I figured, this was the best mother's day post.... seeing all my sweet blessings (that often drive me crazy) that God has given me.  What more can a mother want?  :) 


I recently found a new source for small back drops and picked up a few to try out for children's photography... something bright and fun to spice up my inspiration.  The kids were already in jammies when we decided to try them out, so this will be an interesting blogpost :)   These are three of my blessings :)   

Zeke : 4 years

Lex : 2 years

Cadence : 5 months old

 And here are a few with Grandma Sandy!  Sandy flew in last week to see Zeke for the 2nd time, and meet Lex and Cadence for the first time!  The boys took to her right away and had a great weekend with their grandma :)
 Grandma Sandy and Uncle Reece before they started the drive back to California.  After about 30 photos, this one actually had all 5 sets of eyes looking in the general direction of the camera.... My kids are totally the worst at being photographed.... . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!