
Monday, October 22, 2012

Brad & Rachel : Engagement

Brad and Rachel chose my current FAVORITE rustic country spot in between all the rain storms we've been having.  We got a little sprinkle during the session, but stayed pretty well dry.   As the fall color is coming to a close, I'm trying desperately to get all the session in that were wishing for the fall color, and that's becoming tougher and tougher as the rain keeps coming!  Grrrrr...  well, ends up I knew Brad from High school.  He was the amazing sound tech behind all our theater performances where I was student director, or a chorus member for a few musicals.  Rachel and Brad met ONLINE!!!!  AWESOME.  They've known each other for roughly 10 months and are tying the knot this February.  I couldn't be more excited for them and their wonderful journey together from here forward.  They are a super fun, super smiley, and absolutely perfect couple.  Thanks guys!  I enjoyed getting to know you both, and can't wait for your wedding! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!