
Monday, October 15, 2012

Vandyke : Family Love

Here's an amazing family.  Scott and Kelly were fantastic to work with, and I LOVE their little kiddos!  They almost have as much energy as my own.  I met them at Scott's brother's wedding, and then again at his other brother's wedding, and then AGAIN at his sister's wedding!  Yes, we had the wonderful opportunity to photograph 3 weddings in the immediate Vandyke family.  Every sibling's wedding, except Scott and Kelly's :)  Well now, (drum roll please....) They have a place on our blog in a super special way.  As a beautiful growing family.  I'm personally blessed by them, as Kelly is the Bible school leader to my little Lex every Wednesday morning at B.S.F. (Bible Study Fellowship)  That's NOT an easy group to get to shepherd.  They are full of energy, excitement, and germs.  Enjoy some teasers for this wonderful fall family photoshoot. 

  I LOVED their outfits!  They certainly look like brothers!!!
 This is totally my personal favorite.... LOVE IT! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!