
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Alden : 6 months

Here is a little man of many expressions!  This little guy cracked me up with all his 'looks'.  What an adorable little guy!  This is Alden's second session with me, and I'll get to see him for 2 more!  I'm super excited to get to watch handsome little guys like this, grow up in front of the camera.... Enjoy a few of Alden! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ross & Kristen : Married

Here's another FANTASTIC couple!  What fun these 2 are.... they are genuinely amazing people.  Heart, body, soul.  Their wedding day was another beautiful day in Western Michigan, and David and I were blessed to see about 8 of our past wedding couples at this wedding!  It was a like a wedding reunion!  Such fun to see where life is taking all the couples... some starting families, others starting jobs, and still others growing in Love with each other.  We feel honored to know them all.  Here are some teasers of this couples Day.  Ross adores Kristen, and Kristen didn't even seem to realize how amazing she looked!  They both had some serious modeling capability!  Not that they are headed in that direction, but hey, I have to say it if I see it.... :)  LOL!   

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Elias : Miracle

Elias is 5 days old here, and after a little bit fell into a sleep that we could do just about ANYTHING with him.  What a champ!  What an adorable little boy!  I was about to ask my husband if we could keep him, but it his parents felt the same way :)  LOL
 Well, this little guy better like sports, because I can tell he's going to be introduced to them at a VERY young age!!

 I get to see him again in a couple days!  His mom is a super tough first mom!  She'll be the Matron of Honor at the wedding I'm shooting on Friday!!!!  Wow... I was a wuss after having kids... I didn't think I could go grocery shopping for a year, and here she is, driving an hour for infant photography, standing up in a wedding less then 2 weeks after giving birth!

  Enjoy some teasers!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Kruithof : Family Love

All I can say about this family is ***WOW***.  We have watched this family grow over the last 3 years, and they are one of the coolest, and nicest families I've ever met.  They encourage us in our work, through their positive attitudes, and love for one another.  They were OVERLY helpful, Smiley, and hillarious!  Thank you Kruithof Family! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sterk : Family Love

It was great getting to see the Sterk family growing!  We were privileged to shoot Ryan and Kristyn's wedding a couple years ago, and now we get to see their new little man!  What a peanut!  Here are some teasers for the Sterk Family at the beach! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ezra : 5 years old

Ezra has now held 'the easiest child to photograph' award 5 times.  This kid knows how to be in front of the camera.  It was so cute, he'd pick spots, telling me how good he thought that spot was, and pick funny poses, and laugh on purpose to show his real smile.  It was hilarious!  I'm so excited that my oldest son will be in Ezra's class this fall for young 5's!!!!

Enjoy Ezra's teasers!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!