
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Elias : Miracle

Elias is 5 days old here, and after a little bit fell into a sleep that we could do just about ANYTHING with him.  What a champ!  What an adorable little boy!  I was about to ask my husband if we could keep him, but it his parents felt the same way :)  LOL
 Well, this little guy better like sports, because I can tell he's going to be introduced to them at a VERY young age!!

 I get to see him again in a couple days!  His mom is a super tough first mom!  She'll be the Matron of Honor at the wedding I'm shooting on Friday!!!!  Wow... I was a wuss after having kids... I didn't think I could go grocery shopping for a year, and here she is, driving an hour for infant photography, standing up in a wedding less then 2 weeks after giving birth!

  Enjoy some teasers!