
Monday, January 6, 2014

Zeke is 6!

Wowowowow!  Where did the time go!  January 6, 2008 I delivered a wonderfully healthy baby boy.  After about a week he turned into the most colicky baby alive and we struggled through parenthood since then.  Like most parents would say about their children, he has been a challenge, a blessing, a thorn in our side, and the love of our lives.

I can't believe it's been 6 years with our Zeke!
 He's celebrating his golden birthday today!

Here's the down low on Zeke....
-He loves the justice league and any super hero he learns about.
-Coloring... looks like he got the artistic side from both mommy and daddy and is excelling in his use of art utensils.
-Yes, he still is whinny like a 2 year old, and has the occasional breakdowns.
-His curiosity in heaven, hell, Satan and God have become daily questions.
-I've caught him leading his siblings in prayer before lunch if I forget to prompt them.
-He's started with the goofy sounds, faces, and fighting motions.... over dramatic.
-Sometimes, he's the best instructor and parent role for his siblings.... Sometimes.
-He loves the snow, and anything outside.
-Even if I kept the TV on all day, he'd probably only glimpse at it for a total of 5 minutes a day... he'll choose any option over watching TV.
-He's in Young 5's at Holland Christian's South Side, and LOVES it.

He's been looking forward to his Birthday literally since January 7, 2013.  I hope it's a good day!  Happy birthday big guy!

 Tough guys..... Plus, Zeke had to show off his new monster teeth that he won at Chuck E. Cheese with his Aunt Kelly.  Cade's really the toughest of the bunch.... She's got me running scared. . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!