
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Daddy's work

Since Daddy has to use his laptop all the time, I thought he should have something better to look at :)   Here's the best thing to see on a computer screen!  His Family! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Ready for the Wall

What a great way to hang us on the wall :)  What a cute family... but I'm bias :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mallory : 6 months

Little miss Mallory is already 6 months old!  She's a great little baby, and I see so much of her mommy and daddy in her!  Her two older brothers came along for the session and I got to do some fun stuff with them :)  Thanks guys for swinging in for a session! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Happy Birthday Mommy!

My kids love birthdays!   Even if it's not theirs... Cake and ice cream just calls to them and they lack any will-power to hold back from eating it like animals.... Yesterday was my birthday and I finally realized that I am probably outside of the age where I could at least 'pretend' I am still in my youth!  LOL!   I'm one of "those" adults/parents now.... 

-make healthier meals-'for the kids' lol
 -happy to be in bed early
-stay out of the mud (because I have to clean it up later!)
-keep the good candy out of sight so I don't have to share with little mouths.
-I've realized too that it might be time at ACTUALLY start exercising. 
-I learned how to crochet and actually obsessed over it for a while.
-excited over a great deal and/or second hand clothes
-looking forward to restocking my winter pantry again.... (how has that become exciting?)
-Seeing more and more how this world is only temporary, and eternal life is on it's way.... The good eternal life and the bad.....
-have become happy to be volunteering.... it's really not the 'chore' I remembered it as.

Where I'm still 'ME' of my youth....  
David still catches me getting hyped up over black smithing where ever I see something about it.
I'm still stubborn.
I still love warm/HOT weather!  
I love a movie that can make me laugh.
I still hate horror movies
I still see God most through nature out on our hobby farm.
I don't like to ask for help.
I still suck at driving . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hailey : 12 months

Happy Birthday to Hailey!  She is 1, and running laps around her folks!  She's super petite, and super mobile!  She is sure a honey though, and such a cutie.  Enjoy a few teasers of Hailey!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

David : 4 years old

This certainly is a child of excessive facial expressions!  He's quite hilarious.  This is 'baby David', as we've always referred to him when talking to our kids.  He just turned 4 in March... he's a couple hours older than our Lex.  His family and ours have really been enjoying each others company, and mostly, I really love learning from his mom's cooking tips!  She's really had a huge influence on 'domesticating' me.  Considering that I've been photographing their 4 kids for about 5+ years now, I can't get over how each of them are so alike, and SOOOOO incredibly different!  It helps me put my own family into perspective.  They've helped me realize that kids are a gift from God, and never will they be 'MINE'.  Also, they've taught me many GREAT tips on raising boys, and that sometimes kids are just kids and I can't control their every move or their 'every safety'.   Thanks guys, for your mass amounts of advice through example!  Enjoy a few teasers of David! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Expressions

I TOTALLY am going to start offering this idea as part of any kids photo shoot age 3 and up!  It's so fun and easy!  Cadence is always my model to test my lighting before each photo shoot, so she's comfortable in front of the camera.  Most kids at 2 years old still don't show me much of their personality, except for being shy.  I think it's safe to say that I could get a few goofy shots though for kids at least 3 years old though....  What fun... I love that the faces allow a kid to be goofy.  Every parent wants that gorgeous smile from the kids that can't smile on cue yet.  This encourages fun, and most likely will result in a great natural smile!  :)  Enjoy "my" 3 little personalities!

Cadence : Age 28 Months

Lex : Age 4

Zeke : Age 6

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Balancing life

I sometimes wonder how my husband balances everything... I thought I had a tough time organizing life, but then I think of all my husband does and all that I expect of him and how he humbly accepts his role and exceeds expectations ALL the time.  He's an amazing husband, employee, child of God, daddy, farm hand, provider, security, protector, friend and encourager.  He's more then I could have wanted as a husband.   I love you David Williams! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!