
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Expressions

I TOTALLY am going to start offering this idea as part of any kids photo shoot age 3 and up!  It's so fun and easy!  Cadence is always my model to test my lighting before each photo shoot, so she's comfortable in front of the camera.  Most kids at 2 years old still don't show me much of their personality, except for being shy.  I think it's safe to say that I could get a few goofy shots though for kids at least 3 years old though....  What fun... I love that the faces allow a kid to be goofy.  Every parent wants that gorgeous smile from the kids that can't smile on cue yet.  This encourages fun, and most likely will result in a great natural smile!  :)  Enjoy "my" 3 little personalities!

Cadence : Age 28 Months

Lex : Age 4

Zeke : Age 6