
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wacky Williams Wednesday : Masks

I saw this idea on pinterest and enjoyed the ease and fun of the shot.  What was nicest was not worrying about all 5 of us smiling!  That's tough with 3 uncooperative little ones... I guess for this phase of life, we'll just have to deal with goofy photos :) . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Matt & Tiffany : Engaged

Matt & Tiffany are Engaged!  This couple is planning a winter wedding and it's gonna be AWESOME!   We started their session at Matt's family Blue berry Farm on the north side of Holland, and then went all over from there!  We had gorgeous light, beautiful fall colors, rows and rows of blueberry bushes.... and that was just to start!!!  Then they took me to the fire station where Matt works, and he pulled out a ginormous fire engine....!!!  Super cool.... So, to end the evening, Tiffany suggested they wade into the lake/river... I totally thought she was joking, and told her not to worry about it... she mentioned it again, and the pulled out waterproof boots and walked right in!!!  Wow,... I'd have to say that I was impressed and excited to get to have some new shots to share!  Nothing was 'same-o, same-o' with Matt and Tiffany!  LOL!  enjoy some teasers!!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Rozema : Family Love

The 'Wozenwa' family (as our daughter Cadence calls them) have become some of our closest friends and mentors as we raise kids about the same age and are in about the same stage of life.... not to mention we bought pigs and a cow together to become self-sufficient for milk and meat.  The time has come around for them to FINALLY get family photos!!!  They chose a beautiful park on the northside of Holland... Hemlock crossing, and the possibility for photos was endless!  Enjoy a few teasers!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Wright : Family Love

These kids are BEAUTIFUL!  I always wished I could have brown-eyed kids, but it just wasn't gonna happen with blue eyed folks.... Here's Abigail, Elijah and Noah with their parents.  Who would have thought that Noah would end up with blue eyes!?  It doesn't matter, because he's a heart-steal-er already!  Finally after years of photographing their kids, I got to have their whole family together.  What a blast... Although, as my voice is leaving for a vacation, it's getting a little tough to instruct people what I want them to do.... I hope I get it back before my weekend wedding!!!  Enjoy a few teasers!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Jordan & Acacia : 10.11.14

Jordan & Acacia meet with me for the very first time just 2 weeks before their wedding.  October 11, was a beautiful fall day and their wedding was PERFECT!  Such great people surrounded them, with genuine love and excitement.  I shot this wedding alone, and even without an assistant.... (that's a first for anyone curious about that....)  The ceremony was held at Central Park in holland, and the reception followed at Baker Lofts.  What a great day!  Enjoy some of their teasers!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!