
Monday, October 27, 2014

Matt & Tiffany : Engaged

Matt & Tiffany are Engaged!  This couple is planning a winter wedding and it's gonna be AWESOME!   We started their session at Matt's family Blue berry Farm on the north side of Holland, and then went all over from there!  We had gorgeous light, beautiful fall colors, rows and rows of blueberry bushes.... and that was just to start!!!  Then they took me to the fire station where Matt works, and he pulled out a ginormous fire engine....!!!  Super cool.... So, to end the evening, Tiffany suggested they wade into the lake/river... I totally thought she was joking, and told her not to worry about it... she mentioned it again, and the pulled out waterproof boots and walked right in!!!  Wow,... I'd have to say that I was impressed and excited to get to have some new shots to share!  Nothing was 'same-o, same-o' with Matt and Tiffany!  LOL!  enjoy some teasers!!!

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!