
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Adventures with the Wacky Williams : Independence Day

The 'Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima' inspired this shot of our 3 kiddos with their first 'hands on' experience of the American flag.   It is a beautiful sight and we are PROUD to be Americans.  To have a beautiful land bought at a high price.  To have founding fathers who treated God with the highest respect and structured our Nation to be UNDER GOD, not men.  We as American's have failed our founding fathers.  We've indulged in acts unnatural to God's design.  We no longer value life. We've gotten greedy.  We've lost our integrity.  We've set God aside and decided to try it without him.  This Independence day, instead of watching the movie 'Independence Day', try 'The Patriot'.  Feel for the ones who suffered.  Who sacrificed.  Who grieve.   Turn your eyes to see others, rather than your self.  Use your freedoms for protecting, providing, and doing what God's designed you to do.  For we are a country where we can always claim, 
'In God we Trust'  

God Bless the USA! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!