
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wacky Williams : Chapter closed

Some chapters in life are great to finish, some you give up on, and some you never want to stop!!!  David just closed a HUGE book in his life... his job!  For over 10 years, David worked at his 'first' job, and worked his way from laborer to IT nerd. We took the leap to try something different for our family, and without much planning or direction, he put in a 6 month notice in January.........

 It's a scary process, but we have decided to lean on God through this process as we downsize and simplify our lives and put more priority towards raising our children, running our little farm, taking wicked fun photos and volunteering at our local church.  

Our kids are growing up fast, and I don't want to be the parents who miss it all for their careers.
 The kiddos are pretty excited to have daddy around more, but there's always a little apprehension with change :)  Prayers for us are always appreciated... and necessary!  We are plain CRAZY sometimes!  
 I LOVE CRAZY! . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!