
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bourke : Family

Here's a loyal family to the blog!  The Bourke's have been family friends for about 20 years now, and I've been able to document their family ever since they had little kids.  It's great seeing them grow.... some years, they seem so different, and others they don't seem to have changed! LOL.  This year was a little new, because they had their whole family come for the session... We have called them Aunt Diana and Uncle John.... (even though there's no blood relation) and their kids Chris and Kevin (and spouses) and THEIR kiddos, Abigail, Benjamin, Brooklyn, and Kennedy.   Crazy to see how much their lives have changed since we were all kids sitting around the campfire, and getting dizzy on golf cart rides around the lake house.  Thanks guys for allowing me to peak into your family lives!  Enjoy a few teasers! 

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!