
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Brandon & Jen : Waiting

Congrats to this growing little family!!!!  Brandon and Jen will be welcoming their sweet little baby boy first thing next year... or maybe yet this year! :)  This couple has really had a rough strike in life since I've known them.  We met at a wedding, then photographed their wedding not long after.  Jen is also a talented photographer, running J. Elizabeth Photography in Muskegon, MI.  I've watched them struggle, suffer persecution, saddened by infertility, and now laugh in the beautiful growth of their baby.  Through it all, they remain faithful to God and to serving him with a strengthened and renewed faith.  
On a cold, but sunny November day, we captured their maternity session near their home in Muskegon.  It's fun seeing new shooting grounds and we certainly put a bunch of it to good use!  Enjoy their teasers!  

 . David & Cara Williams . . check us out on facebook!