
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Drew & Lindsey : 10.24.2015

What can I say about this wedding?!  Amazing!  Drew and Lindsey were married on a rainy October afternoon.  This weather would have normally put us into a panic, BUT after spending a lot of time trying to learn basic off-camera flash, we had a blast rocking out their sessions in the church where it was warm and dry.  Lindsey and Drew were super chill all day, and we came to really enjoy their personalities and their love for each other.  We have been so blessed to have great faith based clients and families that are role-models for raising great kids.  It really comes back to us as some of the best experiences.... Sometimes, I can't believe this is my job!  Well, Enjoy a few teasers of Drew and Lindsey!  Congrats guys!!!!

The guy on the right!!!!  AWESOME!